Fate puts opportunity in front of us. Destiny is the result of what we choose to do with it. In turn, destiny is a choice. Not some predetermined thing of fairy tales and lore. We can sit and allow destiny to happen to us, or we can choose to have destiny happen for us. Don’t wait to be chosen… instead choose. Decisions= Destiny
The CrossFit Open workouts each Friday starting February 25th for three weeks. March 11th Friday Night Lights BYOB
REMINDER: March 1, annual inflation increase 7%
Mon: SKILL- Muscle- up, WORKOUT- “ANNIE-UP” Double Unders, Ring Muscle- Ups, Sit- Ups
Tues: STRENGTH- Overhead Squat, WORKOUT: 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME- Cal Bike, Box Jumps, Overhead Squats or Front Squats
Wed: EMOM20- MIN 1- Burpee Over Bar, MIN 2- Hang Power Cleans, MIN 3 Front Rack Hold, MIN 4 – Rest
Thurs: QUALITY WORK- Handstand Hold, Slow Barbell Good Mornings, 1:00 Row, WORKOUT- OPEN 17.4
Fri: Strength- 5RM Bench, then max bench press, FOR TIME 21-15-9-15-21, Alt. Jumping Lunges, Hand Release Push-Ups
Sat: 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME- DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean, Run, DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean, Pull-Ups
Sun: 2 SETS- Cal Bike, AMRAP4- Front Squat, Shoulder to overhead, Double Unders
Coach Kevin’s Workout of the Week:
For Time:
Bar Facing Burpee
Power Cleans (95/65) or DB’s (50/35) per arm
400m Run
Time cap: 15 minutes
Some advice from Kevin: “Breathe on the burpees, hang on to big sets on the cleans/go unbroken, recover your grip on the run.”
Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying
CrossFit Games Season Schedule is Here: READ MORE
- The Open will still be three weeks, consisting of 22.1, 22.2 and 22.3.
- Semifinals will still take place over four separate weekends.
- There are still a lot of details left to be announced, including the release of the full season rulebook, locations of Semifinal events, and registration details.
Master Burpee Box Jump-Overs
Success in CrossFit comes down to one thing. Are you willing to keep doing things you don’t want to do to get better at them? And if there’s an exercise that we don’t want to do…burpee box jump-overs are right up there. So check out this masterclass to get better and faster at them.
Ten Top Carbs When Trying To Lose Weight
Carbs aren’t inherently fattening and are crucial for energy in your WOD, but some sources are more satiating and filling than others. Here are some great sources for carbs that will keep you feeling full, give you energy, but won’t throw off your calorie count.
Instantly Improve Your Ski-Erg
Calories always go slow on the ski? It could well be down to your setup and positioning. Here’s a quick demo from Brent Fiskowski of solid positioning on the ski erg and a brief glimpse of what not to do.
Three Tips To Crush The Assualt Bike
Sprinting on the assault bike isn’t rocket science. Rocket science is easier. However, these three tips will at least help you make the most of your effort to get through bike sprints faster and at a higher wattage.