THE POWER OF COMMUNITY. Our coaches are incredibly passionate about our members’ progress and success, but they are powerless when our members are not present- physically and mentally. Work obligations, job changes, family commitments, and old habits often interfere with intentions and resolutions. The most important components to a successful fitness transformation are personal commitment, ease of access, and most of all, a supportive community. While our coaches and support staff do what we can to keep our members coming back, it is often the support of our community that has the most influence on our member retention. Unique to CrossFit, it is unforced and totally organic! The CrossFit community is difficult, sometimes awkward, to explain, but is truly magical as measured by the impact on people’s lives. So, if you are struggling with your fitness commitments, join a community that keeps you committed, like CrossFit Mainline!
The CrossFit Open workouts each Friday starting February 25th for three weeks. March 11th Friday Night Lights BYOB
REMINDER: March 1, annual inflation increase around $12 per month
Mon: STRENGTH- 1 deadlift+ 1 hang clean+ 1 power clean, WORKOUT: EMOM14 1 burpee over bar, max power cleans, + 1 burpee/ min
Tues: STRENGTH- Overhead Squat, WORKOUT: 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME- Double Unders, Air Squats, Toes to Bar
Wed: WORKOUT: 4- 5min AMRAPS- Cal Row, DB Floor Press, Box Jumps, REST 1 min b/w
Thurs: WORKOUT: 10 Rounds- Deadlift, Ring Muscle- Up, DB Hang Squat Clean, Strict Handstand Push- up
Fri: STRENGTH: Turkish Get- Up & Bulgarian Split Squat, WORKOUT: FOR TIME- Walking Lunges, Cal Bike, Burpees to Target
Sat: WORKOUT: “Daniel” or “Partner Daniel”- Pull- Up, Run, Thrusters
Sun: WORKOUT: 35 MINUTE AMRAP- Row, Box Crawl Over, DB Hang Power Snatch, Sit- Ups
Coach Daniel’s Workout of the Week:
- RX:
For Time
500 meter Ski
10 Toes-to-bar
500 meter Row
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
1,000 meter Bike
30 Toes-to-bar
Toe-to-bar = V-ups or Leg Lifts to parallel
Chest-to0bar = Regular Pull-ups
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Some advice from Daniel: “ Smooth is fast. Go hard on the Ergs but not too hard that the gymnastics suffers. You will lose more time staring at the pull-up bar then slowing down the erg. Elites aim for sub 8 mins!”
Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying
CrossFit Games Season Schedule is Here: READ MORE
- The Open will still be three weeks, consisting of 22.1, 22.2 and 22.3.
- Semifinals will still take place over four separate weekends.
- There are still a lot of details left to be announced, including the release of the full season rulebook, locations of Semifinal events, and registration details.
FREE 30 Minute Consultation
Fix Your Stiff Back
Have pain from sitting down too long this weekend? Make sure you start the week with a pain-free back by doing these four exercises tonight before bed.
Master Pistol Squats
Pistol squats are a fantastic exercise to build balance, strength, and mobility all in one. But they ain’t easy. Don’t worry though, follow these five simple progressions and you’ll master them in no time at all.
Test Your Overall Mobility
Have you been keeping up with that daily mobility work you promised yourself you would? Prove it with five tests that will show if you’ve really been putting the work in.
30 Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes
Why have one recipe when you can have 30? Take a look at this collection of delicious slow cooker meals that are sure to warm you up on a cold winter’s night, and fuel you to crush your next WOD.