Weekly Breakdown 2/21/22

There is a lot to be said about authenticity. The first definition inside Merriam- Webster reads, “worthy of acceptance or belief.” If there’s one sure way to find failure in something, it’s through not being ourselves. It just doesn’t pan out in the long run. While we always remain a student, the harm lies when we blur the lines between emulating the traits of our mentors… with trying to actually be them. Our mentors do not wish for us to follow in their footsteps. Our mentors wish for us to go further. To blaze the path further than before. We have incredible leaders to guide us. But it is now on us to push even further. And there’s no one better suited for that, than you. 


The CrossFit Open workouts will start THIS FRIDAY for three weeks. March 11th Friday Night Lights BYOB

REMINDER: March 1, annual inflation increase 7% (around $12 per month)

All membership billing dates will be shifted to the first of the month.


Mon: Strength- 3RM Overhead Squat, Workout: 3 rounds- Bike Cal, Burpees, Overhead Squat
Tues: Workout: 3- 5:00 AMRAP: Deadlifts, Power Cleans, Double Unders
Wed: Skill- Handstand work, Workout: Cal Row, Wall Balls, Box Jumps
Thurs: Workout: EMOM10- Slamball, V- Up, Cardio Choice, EMOM10- Russian Swing, Alt Lunge, Cardio Choice

Sat: Workout: AMRAP20- Double Unders, Pull- Ups, Push- Ups, Sprint, Rest. Strength: 1RM Deadlift
Sun: Skill: Tempo Step- Ups, Shoulder to Overhead. Workout: Box Jump Overs, Pistols, Shoulder to Overhead

Coach Kevin’s Workout of the Week:

    For Time

    Cals on Bike
    Bench Press (95/65 LBs)
    Time cap: 15 minutes
    To compliment our upper body blasting, here’s a little chest and tri’s accessory work.

    3 Rounds NOT for time:
    10 Pec Flies
    12  Overhead Tricep Extension

Some advice from Kevin: “This is a ‘choose your own adventure’ style of workout. You can go nice and easy and see if you can do the bench unbroken. Or, you can go for it on the bike and hold on for the bench. Either option is acceptable…”

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

CrossFit Games Season Schedule is Here: READ MORE 

There are 3 Levels of Workout each week:  Rx’d, Scaled and Foundations. Each level also includes scaling for Masters athletes. So, no matter your experience, ability or age, the CrossFit Open is for you!. Please, please, join the Open and participate:  Join The Open.
If you’re not a member of CrossFit Mainline, you can still do the Open from home or at your gym. The foundation workouts will make it easy for everyone to participate, especially if you do not have equipment.
The Open begins on February 24th. It is simple: 1 workout a week, for 3 weeks. CrossFit Mainline will host Friday Night Lights beginning Feb 25th at 4:30PM.  We will all come together for the workout with back-to-back heats from 4:30PM until 6:30PM. It is an absolute blast – and a positive experience that will remain with you for life. The last week, March 11th, will be BYOB with food provided! Also: we have some pretty cool 2022 Open Shirts this year. 

FREE 30 Minute Consultation

As we complete our first month of 2022 and Quarterly Assessments, we think about how to make “the best hour of your day” even better. Still have a nagging ache or pain? Find solutions so you can move with confidence in 2022. Josh Finley PT brings Olympic level Physical Therapy experience to CrossFit Main Line.
Tuesday Mornings at Ardmore
Wednesday Evenings at Wayne
To schedule a free 30 min consultation, tap here.

Learn How To Squat For Your Anatomy

Find it difficult to squat below parallel? Find low bar easier than high bar? It may be to do with your anatomy. Learn how different types of squats may be easier for different people, and which is right for you.


Try Three Hardcore Gymnastics Drills

Tired of toes to bar or regular muscle-ups when you want to make gymnastic gains? Here are three exercises that will definitely give you an extra boost to your progress…or some good goals for 2022.


Stop Rowing Without a Warm Up

Do you just jump on a rower and start pulling without any thought? We’re guilty here as well. But you gotta get your body good and ready for a row if you’re going to get the most from your workout. Here is a short routine to do pre-row to help you get your best performance.


Improve Your Bar Muscle Ups

Will we see bar muscle-ups in the Open? Getting that first one in is always a big separator on the leaderboard. If you’re struggling with that first rep, try this technique for getting the most momentum out of your kip to give you that extra push.