Weekly Breakdown: 3/7/22

When we are asked “who” we are, we default to our past. We define ourselves by our resumes. Although our past may give us insight of where we’ve been, it cannot be what defines us…. for it’s the past. When the question however askes “what” we are, we tend to give a different answer. We describe who we *really* are. It’s one of character, values, and beliefs. Will we be defined by who we’ve been in the past, or by what we stand for today? Let character be our loudest statement.


  • FitU schedule finalized for Spring 2022, check wodify for updates
  • Friday Night Lights (3/11): Sign- up for your heat at the gym. Food and drinks provided, BYOB


Mon: Strength: 5×2 Push Jerks, Workout: 15min Clock- Push Jerk, Burpee over Bar, Row
Tues: Strength: 4×2 Clean Pull+ Power Clean, Workout:3 Rounds For Time- Run, Hang Power Clean, Sit -Up, Hang Squat Clean, Box Jump
Wed: EMOM20: Double Unders, Toes to Bar, Renegade Row, Rest. Strength: 3x 12-15 Incline Press, :30 Plank push up
Thurs: EMOM10: Sit- Thrus, Air Squats, Cardio Choice, 3min Rest, EMOM10: Rus Kettlebell Swings, Up- Downs, Cardio Choice
Fri: Open WOD 22.3 BYOB!
Sat: 3 Sets for Quality: Bike, Temp Pull- Ups, Hollow Rocks. Workout: Bike, Pull- up, Rest, Back Rack Lunges, Rest, Bike, Box Jump Overs
Sun: Strength: Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch. Workout: “Georgie”

Coach Jenna’s Open Gym Workout Of The Week:

4 Rounds:
5 back squats 75% 1RM
24 dumbbell walking lunges (heavy)
40 unbroken wall balls (20/14)
*Rest 3 minutes between each round.
Time Cap: 20 Minutes

Scaling Options

Be prepared to adjust loads between sets if needed. If you’re not able to go unbroken on the wall balls, keep the movement going by switching to wall ball squats and finally to air squats if needed to hit the 40 reps. This workout is designed to recruit the full spectrum of muscle fiber types in lower extremities in the same giant set. If you need to, reduce the weight loads but keep the rep scheme intact. This is designed to be both leg isolation and a metcon.

Some advice from Coach Jenna: “​​Attack this workout as a leg isolation power, strength, and endurance move and take advantage of the incidental metabolic effect.”

From your greater Health Network

Spring Cleanse Program w/ Juice Dr. (March 21st – March 27th)

Get yourself back on track with Juice Dr.’s 7 day Clean Week Cleanse. Lose weight, reset habits, boost immunity and detox your body. Suitable for people in all stages of their health journey. CFML athletes get 10% off with code CFML

Learn more about the program here.

Right up Rittenhouse Place, 400m from CFML Ardmore is where you’ll find raw & fresh pressed juices and plant-based foods. These local and organic items are gluten free with a tasty burst of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. CFML athletes get 10% off at Juice Dr with code CFML

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

Keep Your Chest Up And Over The Bar

It may sound contradictory, but keeping your chest up and leaning over the bar is both possible (and valuable) when performing your lifts. Watch this demonstration of how you can do both effectively and start impressing lifting coaches everywhere.


Make Sure Your Rope is The Right Length

Tripping on your dubs? One of the most common causes has nothing to do with technique, and you can fix it in 10 seconds. Check out this guide on selecting your perfect rope length to ensure you’re stringing together big unbroken sets during the Open.


Win A Born Primitive and Assault Fitness Prize Package

Born Primitive has teamed up with Assault Fitness to celebrate the 2022 Open with a massive giveaway that you’re not going to want to miss. You can win Born Primitive Gift Cards, Assault Fitness Equipment, and a trip to the 2022 CrossFit Games. Plus, every single person who enters will receive a $20 Born Primitive gift voucher on us.

Learn How to Dominate High Intensity Interval Workouts

HIIT style workouts often come up in competitions as they’re: A. fast tempo and exciting to watch, B. fit very well into a weekend long schedule. Listen to Chris Hinshaw explain how you can gain a huge step on your opponents in these workouts, without doing any extra work.


This Common Kipping Mistake

So you have some pull ups in your locker. You’re even getting the hang of kipping. But however hard you try, you just can’t string more than one together. Don’t despair, you could be making this very common mistake in your kip. Here’s how to set yourself up for the next rep and start stringing big sets together in workouts