Weekly Breakdown 3/21/22

Welcome to our newest addition of our weekly newsletter. We are excited to streamline our communication in an easy to read, consistently themed way to maximize your information while valuing your time and energy on the important things. Each week our goal is to spotlight our thoughtful programming, highlight the uplifting and positive community events and achievements, and share some of our best tips, tricks, and networks to maximize your health and wellness in and outside our classes. Please respond to this email to let us know your thoughts and feedback, we value it and are always listening.


Mon: Strength: Split Jerk, Workout: 15min AMRAP- Cal Row, Hand Release Push- Ups, Jerks
Tues: Skill: Strict Toes to bar and Strict Pull- Ups, Workout: Air Squats, Pull- Ups, Goblet Lunges, Toes to Bar, Up- Downs
Wed: Strength: Power Clean, Workout: 5 Rounds for Time- Cal Bike and Hang Power Cleans
Thurs: 30min EMOM- Min1+2: Run, Min3+4: Box Jumps, Strict Handstand Push- Ups, Min5: Rest
Fri: Strength: 3RM Thruster, Workout: 4- 3:00 Rounds- Cal Row, Burpee over Rower
Sat: Workout: 8/6/4minAMRAP- DB Front Squat, DB step- up, Double Unders
Sun: Strength: Deadlift 11-9-7-5, Workout: “Sham”

#MainlineMonday; CFML’s High Powered Open Gym Workout Of The Week:


  • EMOM x 20 minutes
    Minute 1: 200 meter run
    Minute 2: 6 devils press (50/35 LBs) + 6 DB step ups (24/20 inches)

Scaling Options:

  • Decrease the run distance or sub it out for a machine (should take around 50 secs) Scale weight accordingly. It should be a tough workout but the weight shouldn’t be the limiting factor.

Some advice from Coaches: “​​It’s a long, grindy workout so the key will be pacing so you aren’t sprinting the first rounds when you’re fresh. Try and be as efficient with your movements as possible so you aren’t wasting time or energy.”

#TuesdayTreat; Arrives in your inbox every Tuesday Morning. Check here

#WhatsNextWednesday; March Madness and Wayne Additional Saturday classes

  • Join us in class Friday 3/25 or complete the workout before Monday 3/28 to enter. Qualifying round is FREE and gives a chance to move on to our Final, in person competition at CrossFit Delaware Valley. Join 5 other gyms in competing for the title of March Madness Champion, all participants receive a swag bag worth up to $100 of goodies plus competitive workouts, vendors, food trucks, and more! Spectators and volunteers welcomed and encouraged!

                                                                              Sign- Up for March Madness!

  • For three weeks we will be adding a Saturday Morning class in addition to our 9am. Check WODIFY for updates

#SpotlightThursday; 💪💪Lets finish March strong.

Gain accountability and bring a friend to a Fit U class. Calorie Torching cardio + Muscle Burning Strength. Free class offer ends March 31. Schedule.

#FearlessFriday; CFML’s calorie torching, muscle building workout of the week:

Strength: 3RM Thruster, Workout: 4- 3:00 Rounds- Cal Row, Burpee over Rower. This workout is not only our qualifying workout for March Madness but adds an extra spice with the heavy strength into a sprinting interval workout

#ShoutoutSaturday; Congratulations to all of the participants that completed and participated in the Open!

Self Care Sunday;

Spring Cleanse Program w/ Juice Dr. (March 21st – March 27th)

Get yourself back on track with Juice Dr.’s 7 day Clean Week Cleanse. Lose weight, reset habits, boost immunity and detox your body. Suitable for people in all stages of their health journey. CFML athletes get 10% off with code CFML

Learn more about the program here.

Right up Rittenhouse Place, 400m from CFML Ardmore is where you’ll find raw & fresh pressed juices and plant-based foods. These local and organic items are gluten free with a tasty burst of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. CFML athletes get 10% off at Juice Dr with code CFML

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

40% Sitewide at Reebok

The latest shoes, apparel and accessories are all on sale at Reebok so you can make the most of your paycheck. Just use code “AFTERPAYDAY” at checkout this weekend to seize the deals.


Watch Reebok Senior Product Manager Talks Nano X2 Launch

Watch Now…

Learning To Breathe With Chris Hinshaw and Jason Khalipa

Chris Hinshaw joined the Effort Over Everything podcast with Jason Khalipa to discuss running on a self-propelled treadmill vs. running on the road, drills that help athletes learn to breathe, and how the sport of fitness is going.


Scott Panchik’s Top Five Tips for Double Unders

Looking for some expert pointers on getting your first double unders? Well, here’s a man who has done quite a few. Check out Scott Panchik’s top tips for getting more dubs in the Open.


Grow A Third Lung

You want to feel what Mat Fraser calls a “third lung” during a Metcon? Try Podium’s pre-workout FUSE with beta-alanine and nootropics. You’ll feel the focused energy to complete any workout.