What Is a ‘Deload’ Week, and Why Do You Need One? This week is a deload week! The deload week is designed to help you relax, unwind, catch up on sleep, avoid stress and come back stronger the following week. These weeks work best when you need it, but just before you need it is even more ideal. A deload week is not taking a week off from any physical activity period, as you will see. It is simply a reduction of training and shifts of focus to using full recovery options (rest, sleep, nutrition). THE WEEK AHEAD: Mon: Strength: Bench Press, Workout: AMRAP 16: Single Arm DB Push-Ups, Box Jumps, Slam Balls Tues: Snatches, Bar Facing Burpees, Muscle-Ups Wed: Strength: Back Squat, Workout: DB Goblet Squats, Alt DB Goblet Lunges, Run Thurs: Strength: Deadlift, Workout: EMOM 16: Cal Bike, Sumo Deadlifts, Up-Downs Fri: Workout: 4 Rounds: Strict Pull-Ups, Alt. DB Hang Muscle Snatch, Pull-Ups, Sit-Ups, Chest to Bar, Double Unders Sat: Workout: AMRAP 8: Cal Row, Handstand Push-Ups, Hang Power Clean Sun: For Time: Run, Box Jump Overs, Alt. Back Rack Lunges, Toes to Bar |
“Neat” from CompTrain
AMRAP in 15:00 minutes
3 bar muscle-ups
6 deadlift (225/155)
9 Calorie Row or Bike (athlete’s choice)
Scaling Options:
-Sub Muscle- Ups for Chest to Bar, Pull- Ups, or Jumping Muscle Ups.
-Lower the weight on the Deadlifts
-Lower calories on Row/Bike
Some advice from the coaches:
- This is the type of workout where you’ll be accumulating 6+ rounds in the 15 minutes. The goal is don’t stop moving.
- Choose a weight on the deadlift that you can complete 8 repetitions unbroken when fresh.
- Choose a pace on the bike or row that you can maintain, and not burn out. Think “smooth sailing” on the bike or row.
Arrives in your inbox every Tuesday Morning. Check here
Summer schedules at both Ardmore and Wayne locations are in full swing. Check Wodify for updates and schedules posted at the gym. Let a coach know if you have any questions.
(Mon/Wed/Fri) 12- 2pm
With Josh Finley PT
- Squat Mobility clinic @Ardmore
- June 25th 10:30am
- Shoulder Mobility clinic @Wayne
- July 23rd 10:00am

4 Strict Pull-Ups
16 Alt. DB Hang Muscle Snatch (35/20)|(20/15)**
6 Pull-Ups
24 Sit-Ups
8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
48 Double Unders
*If you finish the 4 Rounds in 12:00 or less you can complete an optional 5th Round.
*Option to use heavier DB.
This workout will attack the biceps and shoulders and by the end of the workout the lats will be fried also. The Strict Pull-ups will start off the workout and slowly deteriorate the pulling strength. The Alt. DB Hang Muscle Snatch will tire out the lats and shoulders going into the next set of Pull-ups. The Sit-ups will be a quick break to arms before the Chest to Bar Pull-ups. The Double Unders will seem a lot harder than expected due to the fatigue for the shoulders and will spike the heart rate going into the next round.
Ardmore members Doug, Seth, Matt, and Coach Kate all competed at the 2022 Dewey Beach Championship. Congrats on an awesome weekend of FUNctional Fitness!

Snatches coming up this week! Get those shoulders ready with Crossover Symmetry 90/90s, explained here by Josh Finley PT.
Book a session with Josh at Wayne or Ardmore

Bio Hacking 101 with Dr. Seema Bonney;
Get the most out of your wod by recovering vitality with specialized age mgmt & anti-aging protocols that focus on a preventative & proactive approach to health, With Dr. Seema Bonney. Enjoy this series of articles to start bio hacking at home.
Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying Three Exercises for Better Handstand Mobility Have a hard time kicking up into a handstand? Or, can you get that far, but it’s super uncomfortable when you do? Here are three drills to help mobilize your spine, wrists, and shoulders and help you get comfortable upside down. UPSIDE DOWN MOBILIZATION. Three Drills To Improve Your Rope Climbs Here’s the thing about learning to climb a rope: it’s really tough to remember technique cues when you’re 20ft up in the air. Here are three drills that will help you develop your rope climbing skills, and how you can do them all under the height of a pull-up bar. CLIMB THAT ROPE. The Nutritional Breakdown of Plant-Based Meats vs. Animal Ones You probably have seen it in your local grocery store, plant-based meats, or more accurately, “meat analogs.” These products aim to mimic the taste, texture, and mouthfeel of real meat, but do they offer the same nutritional value? A MEATY SUBJECT. Five Easy High Protein Breakfasts Want to start the day right with getting your protein in? Then look no further. Here are five high-protein breakfasts to set you up for the day. From apple pie to breakfast pudding, there’s something in here that everyone will enjoy. MOST IMPORTANT MEAL. |