We are officially HALFWAY through 2022 and WOW have we accomplished a lot. It has been an exciting training journey so far and we still have the second half of the year to grow! Let’s take a quick look back at all the amazing feats we tackled in June! Over a 9 week span everyone got stronger and this week will get a chance to crush your old 1-Rep weights…no better way to finish a strength cycle than hearing that PR bell ring! We also worked on some Strict/ Kipping Pull-Up prep. We continued working on building a strong core by adding 2 ab finishers into workouts. July is going to be absolutely off the hook with fun and fitness! We will see some classic named girl workouts but they will have a unique twist on them…maybe that means heavier bars, longer rounds, who knows?! All I can promise is that they will be challenging and fun! The last two highlights for this month are our Gymnastics Push and Pull days. These are meant to focus on building capacity in some of the higher skill movements like HSPU or MUPS that we are all itching to learn or get better at. We are excited to bring this focus to everyone in hopes that we can see some serious progress! THE WEEK AHEAD: Mon: Strength: Bench Press, Workout: EMOM 18: Row/Bike, DB Floor Press Tues: Strength: Deadlift, Workout: AMRAP 10: Shoulder to Overhead, Deadlifts, Box Jumps Wed: Workout: EMOM 8: Hang Power Snatch, Muscle Ups, Pull-Ups, Double Unders Thurs: Strength: Back Squat, Workout: 4 Rounds: Bike, No Push-Up Renegade Row, Push-Ups Fri: Workout: Box Jumps, Jumping Pull-Ups, Kettlebell Swings, Walking Lunges, Knees to Elbow, Push Press, Back Extensions, Wall Balls, Burpees, Double Unders Sat: Workout: 4 Rounds: Run, Alt. DB Farmers Lunges, Toes to Bar Sun: Workout: AMRAP 18: DB Farmers Carry, DB Hang Muscle Cleans, Run, Sit-Ups |
400m run
Max Rep unbroken pull ups
Record # of pull ups
Scaling Options:
Sub Pull-Ups for Jumping Pull-Ups
Scale the distance on the Run
Some advice from the coaches:
After each set of pull-ups in the Nicole WOD, you’ll go out for a 400-meter run. To make the most of the running intervals, keep these tips in mind:
Pace yourself. Think of these runs as recovery runs. They’re here as a break between sets of pull-ups. You should be breathing heavily, but feel like you could keep running at that pace for longer.
Maintain good running form. Don’t waste energy by clenching your fists, shrugging your shoulders up, slouching, or lifting your knees too high. Good running form looks like this: shoulders down and back, head high and eyes forward, loose fists, and long, low strides.
Keep your breathing steady. For some people, if not most people, breathing in a regular cadence during running is nearly impossible. Take each run as an opportunity to pay attention to your breath and keep it under control. This will help with running efficiency in the long-term.
Arrives in your inbox every Tuesday Morning. Check here
The 4th of July schedule starts July 1st. Check Wodify for details. Let a coach know if you have any questions.
(Mon/Wed/Fri) 12- 2pm
With Josh Finley PT
- Shoulder Mobility clinic @Wayne
- July 23rd 10:00am

Filthy Fifty
For Time:
50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
50 steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
This is a longer workout and 500 Reps but everything should feel light. Athletes should focus on moving constantly with big sets but managing fatigue. Do not take movements to failure. The movements are not complex so it’s easy to get moving fast in the start of the workout but this will catch up to athletes later, gotta continuously be leaving a little in the tank for the last few sets of each movement. Athletes are going to want to rest but need to find that extra grit to keep themselves moving.
Congratulations to Coach Jenna and introducing the newest member of the CrossFit Main Line Family, Logan!

We’re continuing to dig deeper into the CS movements with the ATYT, explained here by Josh Finley PT.
Book a session with Josh at Wayne or Ardmore

Bio Hacking 101 with Dr. Seema Bonney;
Get the most out of your wod by recovering vitality with specialized age mgmt & anti-aging protocols that focus on a preventative & proactive approach to health, With Dr. Seema Bonney. Enjoy this series of articles to start bio hacking at home.
Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying Improve Your Overhead Cycling Speeding up your shoulder-to-overhead lifts is one of the best ways to gain time back on your WOD. Here is an essential tip you need to speed up your lower-weight bar cycling. SPEED UP. Should You Be Taking Magnesium? Magnesium supplements have started rising in popularity among competitive and recreational athletes as a ‘must-have’ supplement that supports muscle recovery, bone health, and sleep. Here’s the skinny on whether you should add it to your diet. MAGNESIUM WHAT’S THAT? Your Forward Leaning Dip Find yourself leaning forward after you complete a push jerk? This is the guide you’re looking for. Discover how your form should look, common errors leading to failure, and how to fix your faults in this breakdown. BE A JERK. How To Cook Vegetables on a Grill If you grew up on boiled cabbage and sloppy broccoli, you may have been led to believe that vegetables suck. We’re here to dispel that notion and teach the world that veggies don’t have to be boring. Here are four delicious ways to grill vegetables this summer and delight those taste buds. EAT YOUR VEGGIES. |