Wednesday, 6/22/22
Strength Back Squat1 x 51 x 51 x 5 5 SETS*AMRAP x 3 MINUTES12 DB Goblet Squats8 Alt. DB Goblet Lunges100m Run -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
Tuesday, 6/21/22
CrossFit Games Open 19.4 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)3 rounds of:10 snatches12 bar-facing burpees Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with: 3 rounds of:10 bar muscle-ups12 bar-facing burpees
Weekly Breakdown, 6/20/22
What Is a ‘Deload’ Week, and Why Do You Need One? This week is a deload week! The deload week is designed to help you relax, unwind, catch up on sleep, avoid stress and come back stronger the following week. These weeks work best when you need it, but just before you need it is […]
Monday, 6/20/22
Strength Deadlift 1 x 51 x 51 x 5 AMRAP x 16 MINUTES10/10 Single Arm DB Deficit Push-Up20 Box Jumps 30 Slam Balls
Sunday, 6/19/22
Workout FOR TIME100-75-50-25Double Unders60-50-40-30*Cal Row40-30-20-10Alt. V-Ups20-15-10-5DB Thrusters *Alt. Cals: 48-40-30-24.
Saturday, 6/18/22
Workout 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups15 Deadlift 400m Run
Friday, 6/17/22
Workout AMRAP x 7 MINUTES14 Box Jump Overs 7 Ring Dips14 Single DB Alt. Overhead Lunges7 Hand Release Push-Ups *Switch hand holding DB as needed. -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-
Thursday, 6/16/22
Strength Back Squat 1×51×31×11×3 1×1 Workout EMOM x 15 MINUTESMIN 1 – 5 Front Squats MIN 2 – 25 Slam Balls MIN 3 – :45 Max Sit-Ups
Wednesday, 6/15/22
Strength Build to a Moderate 3-Rep Ground to Overhead Workout Crossfit Games Open 20.1 10 rounds for time of:8 ground-to-overheads10 bar-facing burpees Time cap: 15 minutes
Tuesday, 6/14/22
Strength Bench Press 1×51×31×11×31×1 Workout AMRAP – 6 SETSON A 2:00 RUNNING CLOCK…20/15 Cal BikeMax Strict Pull-Ups in Time Remaining… -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-