Month: July 2022

  • Tuesday, 7/5/22

    Workout 6 Sets for Max RepsMIN 1 – Max Double UndersMIN 2 – Max BurpeesMIN 3 – 6 Tempo Deadlifts

  • Weekly Breakdown, 7/4/22

    Happy 4th of July! We hope you are taking a hard earned rest day. Did you know the magic happens in between your workouts? We all work out for different reasons, but for the vast majority of people, our “why” for exercising can be categorized into some combination of these three: We’re training to look […]

  • Monday, 7/4/22

    Workout “Hildy”For Time:100-calorie row75 thrusters50 pull-ups75 wall-ball shots100-calorie row

  • Sunday, 7/3/22

    Workout AMRAP x 18 MINUTES100m DB Farmers Carry15 DB Hang Muscle Cleans200m Run25 Sit-Ups

  • Saturday, 7/2/22

    Workout “FORREST RUMP”4 SETSON A 7:00 CLOCK…800m Run10 Alt. DB Farmer’s Lunges10 Toes to Bar*Rest with Time Remaining… *Add 5 Reps each set.