Month: September 2022

  • Sunday 9/4/22

    Workout 2 SETS: AMRAP x 11 MINUTES*200m Run15 Toes to Bar100m DBL KB Farmer Carry (Athlete Choice, Moderate)60 Alt. Crossbody Mountain Climbers -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *Pick up where you left off.

  • Saturday 9/3/22

    Workout EMOM UNTIL COMPLETION*Rotate the below movements until 150 Wall Balls have been completed… MIN 1 – 15 BurpeesMIN 2 – 15 Box Jump Overs MIN 3 – Max Wall Balls MIN 4 – Rest *At 3-2-1 go, start an up-running clock. Transition each movement on the minute. You score is the time on the […]

  • Friday 9/2/22

    Strength Power CleanHang Squat Clean Workout AMRAP x 16 MINUTES30/25 Cal Bike20 Pull-Ups10 Hang Power Cleans