Who doesn’t love a challenge and even better, who doesn’t like black out bingo!!!

Pick-up your bingo card at your gym and get to work. The goal is to “black out” your bingo card by completing the Row-vember challenges over the month of November.

 Each bingo card will be displayed at the gym so we can all see each other’s progress throughout the month as well as promote some healthy trash talking, lol. At the end of the month, those who blacked out their card will be entered into a drawing to win the coveted “Name Your Rower” Prize. 

Individual “Name Your Rower” Prizes will also be given out for the top scores in some of the bingo card workouts. 

Have Questions? Reach out to any of your coaches. Good Luck and Enjoy your Row-vember Challenge….. Get ta’ Rowin’


Mon: Strength: Snatch, Workout: Hang Squat Snatch, Burpees Over Bar, Pull-Ups
Tues: Workout: Run, Double Unders, DB Farmers Lunges, DB Renegade Row
Wed: Strength: Front Squat, Workout: Wall Balls, Toes to Bar
Thurs: Workout: Row, Hand Release Push-Ups, Ring Rows
Fri: Strength: Clean & Jerk, Workout: Power Clean & Jerk, Box Jump Overs
Sat: Workout: Bike, Up-Downs, KB Deadlift, Russian KB Swings
Sun: Strength: Back Rack Reverse Lunges, Cardio of Choice, Workout: Double Unders, Chest to Bar, Back Squat, Handstand Push-Ups

Today’s workout is programmed by Jorge Fernandez, who stood on the podium with team CrossFit Invictus at the 2022 CrossFit Games.

Against a 2:30 clock, perform:

6 Hang Squat Cleans (225/155)

9 Front Squats (225/155)

12 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups in the remaining time.

Rest 1:30

Then repeat until accumulated 75 strict handstand push-ups or 5 rounds.

Scaling Options:
•scale back the weight on the hang squat cleans and front squats

Advice From Our Coaches:
This workout is a spicy sprint and testing gymnastics under fatigue. Attack the hang cleans and squats and focus on your breathing during the burpees. Stay smooth and consistent before attacking the handstand push-ups. This workout is about the right transition and staying checked in on the heavy barbell.


We are launching a referral program! Refer a friend and you both save $$$. For every friend you refer into an auto-paying membership, you get a $50 credit and your friend saves $50 on their first month of membership. 


We have another great workshop coming up with PT Josh Finley! Improve performance and increase range of motion with Josh Finley PT during this 60 min clinic. Sign in ahead of time in Wodify.

-Saturday Nov. 12 Wayne Squat Mobility Workshop


Have you heard about our Youth Performance Academy? 7:30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays in Ardmore.

Whether your athlete loves playing team sports like basketball, baseball, football, soccer, or an individual sport, our YPA program will help athletes level up their game! They will increase balance, power, speed, agility, and strength. Sign up here.



1 Power Clean & Jerk (75% of 1-Rep Heavy) + 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

-Rest with Time Remaining-

(Score is Weight)

Advice from our coaches:
1. Make sure to focus on setting up for the Clean And Jerk.  Don’t let the clock rush you and “yank” it from the floor.
2. We want to ensure we have at least 15 seconds of rest after the box jump overs.  If not, consider reducing the reps on the box x 2 until you get 15 seconds of rest.  


Congratulations to everyone who completed our Row/Bike/Ski 3k Challenge in October! 


Retail Spotlight! Did you know we carry Now! Energy Extreme? What It’s For: sustained energy and mental alertness. The main ingredients are caffeine and B vitamins. Its suggested use is 2 capsules daily.

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

The #1 Simplest Cue to Improve Your Snatch and Clean
Does this sound too good to be true? We promise it’s not! This simple cue will be a gamechanger for your Olympic lifts and your bar path.

Are You Getting Enough Fiber?
Fiber is number one… when you want to go number two. If you aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, you can get a little, well, backed up. That’s why Supergut is here! Supergut is proven to boost energy & focus, regulate digestion, and help you feel your best. And Morning Chalk Up readers get 20% off all orders using code “MCU20”.

This Ring Muscle Up Inefficiency
Do you struggle in the “catch” of your ring muscle ups? While a RMU is one of the most complicated, high skill movements in the sport, this cue is simple and will help you turn over like a champ.