Our programming goal for the month of December is to cover as many areas of fitness as possible.  We’re focusing on an even mix of Deadlift, Squat, and press as well as olympic lifting.  Metcons will vary from short sprints with rest, to long endurance sessions that will test your Grit.  Here’s what to expect this week: 

Mon: Strength: Back Squat – Workout: Burpees, Toes to Bar, Wall Balls
Tues: Strength: Deadlift – Workout: Deadlift, Deadlift, Bike
Wed: Workout: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, Alt. DB Goblet Box Step Ups, Sit Ups
Thurs: Strength: Hang Squat Snatch, Snatch – Workout: Hang Squat Snatch, Double Unders
Fri: Workout: Row, Run, Burpees Over Rower
Sat: Workout: ‘Holleyman’
Sun: Workout: Box Jumps, KB Swings, Toes to Bar

Today’s workout is programmed by two-times Games athlete and current CrossFit Games broadcast reporter, Jamie Hagiya

10 Rounds for Time:

100m Run

15 Hang Power Snatch (75/55)

20 Air Squats

No Time Cap.

Scaling Options:
•For beginners, scale rounds to 8, hang power snatch reps to 10, and air squat reps to 12, using empty barbell for hang snatches. For intermediate, scale hang power snatch reps to 12, and air squats to 16.
Advice From Our Coaches:
This workout is designed to be aerobic and light weight to keep you moving. Try to keep the snatches unbroken, or 2-3 sets when the fatigue sets in. But try to hang on, push past your limits, and don’t forget to enjoy the process!


Don’t miss our end of the year membership sale! $22 for 2022. Whether you’re brand new to CrossFit, or a seasoned athlete, we have skilled coaches and a supportive community waiting for you. Finish the year strong for $22 and train with us for the rest of the year. Click here to get started.

*Membership commitment starting Jan. 1st required.


Join CFML and Athleta Dec 18th at 5pm-6:30pm for an evening of shopping, friends, and fun! Shop Athleta’s newest collections and find the perfect set for your workouts or the CrossFitter in your life. Special offers and sales just for CrossFit Main Line members!


The event is free to attend and light snacks and refreshments will be provided.


Sunday, Dec 18th, 2021 5pm-6:30pm


Free to attend! CFML members only. Registration required. Sign up here.




Athleta, Shoppes at English Village

1460 Bethlehem Pike

North Wales, PA 19454


Plymouth Meeting is launching a Teens class! Beginning this Tuesday, join us at 6:30pm Tuesdays with Coach Wendi. E-mail Wendi to schedule your free Teens trial! Wendi@crossfitbda.com 



500/400m Row

400m Run

20 Burpees Over Rower

Advice from our coaches:
1. This is a grinder style workout.  Push the run and row, but the goal is to find a pace that you can keep over the three rounds.
2. Scale the # of burpees to 15 or 12 if they are taking you more than 2:30 minutes to complete.


Shout out to Plymouth Meeting member Amanda Marshall for her lifetime PR on last Tuesday’s 2 rep max deadlift at 295! What an accomplishment!

Shoutout to Jill Hall from Plymouth Meeting for competing in the American Open Finals. She competed on Saturday on the blue platform and came in second place in her weight class! We’re so proud of you Jill!

Shoutout to Terri Gartenberg from Ardmore for competing in the World Championships! She took home the gold in her weight class! Congratulations!


Thank you to all who attended our CFML Holiday Party. It was a blast and we appreciate each and every one of you. Happy Holidays!

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