Happy Holidays From Our Family to Yours

2022 has been an incredible year for us at CFML, but it’s truly just the beginning of where we want to go.

In 2023, we’ll continue to never settle and bring you the best workouts and valuable content to support your fitness and health journey in every way possible.

From everyone here at CFML, Happy Holidays to you and your family. May the new year bring you plenty of gains, fitness, and all the gym t-shirts and socks you could ever ask for!

Our equipment votes are in! New equipment will be ordered in January. Thank you to all that participated in the equipment pool.

Wayne: WB and SBs 39%, Ski Ergs 13%, Bikes 13%

Ardmore: Ski Egs 37%, KBs and Slam Balls 27%, Bikes 6%

Plymouth Meeting: Ski Ergs 56%, KBs and Slam Balls 13%, Bikes 8%


Mon: Strength: Push Jerk – Workout: Double Unders, Shoulder to Overhead
Tues: Workout: Front Squats, Burpees Over Bar, Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Wed: Strength: DeadliftWorkout: Run, Deadlift, Sit-Ups
Thurs: Workout: Bike, Alt. DB Goblet Lunges, Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Fri: Workout: ‘The CrossFit Total’
Sat: Strength: Power Snatch – Workout: ‘Countdown’
Sun: Workout: ‘Twenty Twenty Who?’

6 Sets

32 Double Unders

8 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)(115/75)
32 Double Unders

*Rest 1:00 between sets*

Scaling Options:
•Use a barbell weight that you can complete the 8 S2OH in 1 hard set. If doing single unders, use 50 single unders! 

Advice From Our Coaches:
Both the S2OH and the jump rope will tax the shoulders and core today.  Focus on making your jumps efficient rather than just speeding through the rope.  Taking a quick pause with the barbell overhead will help you to brace for the next rep. 


The clock is ticking! Take 25% off your first 6 months of membership when you sign up before the New Year! This offer is valid on all memberships. Whether you’re brand new to CrossFit, or a seasoned athlete, we have skilled coaches and a supportive community waiting for you. Hurry! This offer expires 12/31/22. Click here to get started.


Our quarterly retests are coming up, a 1 day event to test a benchmark metcon and your body composition testing! Save the dates: 

  • January 21st – Wayne 
  • January 28th – Ardmore
  •  February 4th – Plymouth Meeting

Plymouth Meeting has launched a Teens class! Join us at 6:30pm Tuesdays with Coach Wendi. E-mail Wendi to schedule your free Teens trial! Wendi@crossfitbda.com 


5 Sets* AMRAP 2 Minutes
10 Slam Balls (30/20)(20/10)

8 Ring Rows

6 Slam Ball Squats

Rest :30 seconds between sets

Pick up where you left off

Advice from our coaches:
1. Choose weights and movements that you can complete unbroken, or in 2 quick sets.  This is a long workout, the goal is to keep moving!
2. Make sure to record your score and add some notes on today’s workout.  This can be a useful yearly check in to monitor and celebrate your progress (similar to


Shout out to Coach Robbie Williamson for offering TB12 pliability treatments to our members at our Plymouth Meeting location!  If you would like to schedule a session, reach out to Robbie via phone call or text at 585-216-7663.


Happy Holidays from our CFML family. Be sure to check Wodify for hybrid schedule updates. Contact your Coach if you have any questions.

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

Sheet Pan Pancakes
Tired of standing in the kitchen and missing out on family time while you’re flipping pancakes? Make a sheet pan pancake assortment with all your favorite toppings to mix it up.

Pressing Out on Snatches and Jerks
If you are catching snatches or jerks with slightly bent arms, then you are probably not a fan of either of those lifts. That’s why “land and lockout” might be a gamechanger for you.

Ben Bergeron Explain a Strict Pull Up
There’s hearing about a strict pull up. Then there’s hearing about a strict pull up from Ben Bergeron. Learn the key points of performance from an expert and how this translates over into other pulling movements.