Month: January 2023

  • Monday 1/16/23

    Strength 1 Snatch Pull 1 Snatch High Pull 1 Muscle Snatch Workout 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 100m Run 3 Power Snatch (135/95) 5 Burpees Over Bar

  • Sunday 1/15/23

    Workout 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 100m KB or DB Farmer Carry (Athlete Choice, Heavy) 60 Double Unders 20 Pull-Ups

  • Saturday 1/14/23

    Strength Deadlift Workout CrossFit Games Open 16.4 and 17.413-Minute AMRAP:55 Deadlifts55 Wall-Ball Shots55 Calorie Row55 Handstand Push-ups

  • Friday 1/13/23

    Strength 1 Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + 2 Shoulder to Overhead Workout 3 SETS AMRAP x 4 MINUTES* 2-4-6-and so on… Hang Power Clean + Overhead (95/65) Box Jumps (24/20)

  • Thursday 1/12/23

    Workout AMRAP x 7 MINUTES 8 Back Squats 10 Hand Release Push-ups 200m Run -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 6 Front Squats 8 Hand Release Push-ups 150m Run -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 3 MINUTES 4 Thrusters 6 Hand Release Push-ups 100m Run

  • Wednesday 1/11/23

    Skill Muscle Ups Workout FOR TIME 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Bike 10-20-30-40-50 Sit-Ups 5-5-5-5-5 Ring Muscle-Ups

  • Tuesday 1/10/23

    Strength Hang Power Snatch Workout EMOM x 15 MINUTES MIN 1&2 – AMRAP of…3 Hang Power Snatches (Athlete Choice, Mod/Mod-Heavy) + 7 Up-Downs Over Bar + 21 Double Unders* MIN 3 – Rest

  • CFML WEEKLY 1/9/23

    Happy Monday CFML Family!  Quarterly tests are quickly approaching! A 1 day event to complete a benchmark workout in class and measure your muscle and fat.  Don’t know about the InBody Scanner??? Click Here to see 9 cool things it can tell you that a scale can’t. Test Day: 1/21 – Wayne. 1/28 -Plymouth Mtg.  […]

  • Monday 1/9/23

    Strength Back Squat Workout 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 8 DBL KB Front Squats 16 DBL KB Alt. Front Rack Lunges 24/20 Cal Row

  • Sunday 1/8/23

    Workout 4 SETS FOR MAX REPS MIN 1 – Sumo Deadlift High Pulls MIN 2 – Up-Downs Over Bar MIN 3 – Double Unders MIN 4 – 200m Run MIN 5 – Rest