ATHLETE LEADER Of The Month This week we celebrate Nick Pizzo at CFML Ardmore. Nick has been a member with us since 2013 and even after all that time, he is still a fan favorite. When asked what he likes most about CrossFit Main Line, he emphatically answered, “Coach Chelsey”…. Just kidding. His real answer was, “it’s the energetic atmosphere and great people that keep me here”. Make sure when you see Nick in the gym you give him a huge congrats on being our leader of the month and a high five for having one hell of a beard 😉

Wanna be Leader Of The Month, get a Leader jersey and parking space??? Be more like Nick!

Stay Tuned: Next week Wayne’s leader of the month.
THE WEEK AHEAD:You could read about the workouts but let Coach Brian tell you about it, 90s video.

Mon: Strength: Snatch Complex – Workout: Burpees, DB Floor Press, Bike
Tues: Strength: Power Snatch – Workout: ‘Be Mine’
Wed: Strength: Back SquatWorkout: Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Wall Balls
Thurs: Workout: KB Suitcase Carry, Row, Up-Downs, KB Swings, Sit-Ups
Fri: Workout: Open Workout 23.1
Sat: Workout: Hang Power Cleans, Push Press, Air Squats
Sun: Workout: Cardio Choice, Single DB Front Rack Lunges, Alt. DB Hang Snatch, Burpees

The CrossFit Open!


1. Experience the adrenaline rush of competition.

2. Meet & support your fellow CFML community members

3. Break through mental and physical barriers.

4. You’re signing up for 3 weeks of challenging yourself, proving your mettle, and having a blast. 

5. See your coaches walk the walk.

6. Because you’re good enough.

7. It just might inspire you–or YOU might inspire others.

8. This is a journey, and we’re on it together.

Regardless of how long you’ve been CrossFitting or your (perceived) ability level, hopefully one of the reasons rings true for you, and you take it to heart when we say, “Yes, the Open is for everyone!” The magic that unfolds within CFML’s walls must be experienced to be believed. Whatever your reasons, we sincerely hope you’ll be there with us as we carry on this awesome tradition of celebrating the spirit of competition and community.

Click Here To Register For The Open


Want a chance at love? 14 Days for $14. Unlimited classes. Fall in love with CrossFit Main Line!

Click here to get started.

This offer expires on 2/28/23 or when we’ve sold out of our limited supply of discounted packages – whichever comes first!


Parisi Speed School Demo Days are HERE!!!!

Parisi Demo Days with Coach Eric:

Now that the weather is getting warmer we are turning the page on winter and introducing our Parisi Demo Days to get a jump on your athlete’s performance training!

Here at the Parisi Speed School, our goal is to improve your speed, strength, power and confidence.  

Join us for our Parisi Demo Days where you will learn:

1.)  Proper Active Dynamic Warmup

2.)  Acceleration Techniques

3.)  Multi-Directional Techniques

4.)  Parisi Culture

We cannot wait to help all athletes from age 7 to collegiate age achieve all THEIR goals!

Schedule your evaluation today.


Congratulations to Coach Ray and the Singson family! We can’t wait to meet the newest addition to the CFML Ardmore family!


Open Workout 23.1 – announced 7pm Thursday night.


CFML Plymouth Meeting is adding an additional Teens class! Join Plymouth Meeting at 12pm on Sundays. E-mail Coach Wendi to schedule your free trial. 


We have some great workshops coming up with PT Josh Finley! Improve performance and increase range of motion during these 60 min clinics. 

-Saturday March 11th 10:30am Ardmore Shoulder Workshop

-Saturday April 15th 10:30am Wayne Knee Mobility Workshop 

Read more about these workshops here on our blog.

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

Attack the Open with the Power of Three
Hurry there’s still time to build your ultimate gym shoe collection before the Open! Be ready for anything with inov-8’s Power of Three collection, combining the best in weightlifting, running and all around workout excellence. Be ready for whatever the Open throws at you this year!

Wall Walk Tips from Christian Harris
Move Fast Lift Heavy’s Christian Harris gives away his best tips for wall walking in this instagram video. Who knows, these might come in handy soon…

How to Avoid Fitness Burnout
Similar but different to workplace burnout, fitness burnout can cause major physical and mental side effects. Read this article by Wodify to find out how to avoid this spiral of burnout.