Saturday 8.15.15 WOD

9.26.15 – Nutrition Seminar & Cooking Demo

Only 15 spots remain!
Email to reserve your spot


“Thats my Jam!”
Teams of 2
AMRAP 5 min. Max 100m sprints
AMRAP 5 min. Max Bench Press (115,75)
AMRAP 5 min. Max Cal Row
AMRAP 5 min. Max T2B or Sit Ups (x2)
AMRAP 5 min. Max Clean & Jerk (115,75)
AMRAP 5 min. Max Box Jumps (20,20)
**Score total reps of each AMRAP
**1min rest between each AMRAP
**1 rest, 1 works

$ Out

Have a great weekend!