Max Effort Lower
Mobility: 6min
3min each side:
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Strength: 15min
Front Squat (1RM , 2 second pause in bottom)
Take from rack
The pause front squat can serve a few purposes, all more specific to the clean than the pause back squat. First, it helps train rate of force development in the squat by eliminating the stretch-shortening reflex that normally occurs and helps the muscles generate more force and momentum to recover through the sticking point of the squat. It will also improve trunk strength and postural strength, improve flexibility and comfort in the bottom of the squat, and help correct improper movement in the squat such as leading with the hips. – Catalyst Athletics
Place the barbell in the clean rack position. Place your feet between hip and shoulder width with the toes turned out so that at full depth each thigh and the corresponding foot are in line with each other. Set your back in a complete arch, take in a large breath, and lock it in, forcefully tightening all trunk musculature. Bend at the knees and hips simultaneously to move down as directly as possible into the bottom of the squat with an upright posture, maintaining tension on the legs throughout the movement. Full depth is achieved when the knees are closed as much as possible without losing the arch in the back (if you cannot sit into a full depth squat, you need to work on mobility). Upon reaching the bottom position, hold tightly without bouncing or moving for 2-3 seconds (or whatever time has been prescribed). Stand as aggressively as possible directly from the bottom position without first bouncing, again with the knees and hips together to maintain your upright posture—try to lead the movement with your head and shoulders. – Catalyst Athletics
“Foolish Games”
4 x 2min Rounds
15 Deadlifts (225,135)
Max Wall Balls (20,14)
1min Rest
**Score total wall balls
15 Deadlifts (225,135)
Max Wall Balls (20,14)
1min Rest
**Score total wall balls
If not Rx deadlift weight Athletes should be able to perform 7-10 reps unbroken in first set. If busy, extend rest period to 2min and stagger Athletes so half are working and half are resting, sharing gear.
If not Rx deadlift weight Athletes should be able to perform 7-10 reps unbroken in first set. If busy, extend rest period to 2min and stagger Athletes so half are working and half are resting, sharing gear.
$ Out
400m Empty Sled Push