Holiday Amazing Race
December 12, 2015
Registration Now Open
Click Here
2014 Event Pictures – 146 Athletes
2013 Event Pictures – 127 Athletes
Event Details
Teams of 4
**You must be familiar with the foundational movements of CrossFit to attend**
(Each team member will need to sign up and pay separately)
Saturday December 12, 2015
This year we have pulled out all the stops. Increasing the course, clues, stops, WODs, Challenges and Trivia Questions. We are looking forward to hosting everyone at CrossFit Main Line on Saturday 12.12.15 (rain date 12.13.15).
Event Schedule
9:30am Check In & Sleigh Decoration
10:45am Race Review
11:00am Race Starts
1:00pm Back at the Box for Prizes
What to Expect
After checking in, meet up with your team of 4 and start decorating your “sleigh”, don’t forget to bring festive decorations (A BIG thanks to Shop Rite for donating grocery carts for every team). You will need to push or pull your sleigh from stop to stop in order to complete the race. Along the way your decorated sleigh will be judged. Prizes will go to the Team with the most festive sleigh.
Lots of Prizes to be won!
In addition to top honors going to the fastest team. Prizes will go to the ‘Most Festive Dressed Team” and “Bested Dressed Sleigh”.
**Township and local permits have been applied and paid for