Week of 12.7.15 Barbell Club

Conjugate Strength

Movement Catalog : LINK

Monday & Tuesday

1.Clean and Jerk (1RM)
2. Front Box Squat – Double Orange Bands (@ 55% 10×2)
3. Below Parallel
4. Front Box Squat – Single Red Band (@ 55% 10×2)
Below Parallel
5. Overhead Walking Lunges (2×10 Each for Max Weight Unbroken)
6. GHD Back Extension plus Snatch Grip DL (3×12 Max Weight)
 7. Squat Clean (EMOM 8 @ 70%)

Wednesday & Thursday

1. Paused Back Squat ((3s) @ 65% 8×3)
2. Push Jerk Against Single Orange (@50% 6×3)
3. 20″ Step Ups Against Single Orange Band (2×10 Each Max Weight Unbroken)
4. Chest Supported Flat Bench Rows (3×10)
Raise bench off ground 12-18 inches and use barbell to do rows.
5. Power Snatch (EMOM 8 @ 70%)


1. Overhead Squat (Build to Heavy Double)
2. Earthquake Bar Overhead Press (3×20 Max Weight Unbroken)
3. Single Leg Reverse Hypers (3×20 Each )
4. Weighted Push Up (3×10 Max Weight Unbroken)
** Place plates on upper back, have a spotter stabilize the plates.
** Score total weight on back.
5. 200 Abmat Situps For Time (Time)