Dynamic Effort Upper
Mobility: 5min
coaches choice of banded overhead distraction. Plus snatch warm up after dynamic warm up
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Complete a full Burgener Warm Up, coaching Athletes to have purpose with each step. Work on efficiency of movement.
Strength: 15min
Hang Power Snatch (12×2 @ 70% 1RM)
NOTES: Allow athletes 3min to build to 70% then complete as EMOM.
5 Rounds
1000m Assault Bike
10 Burpee Bar Hops
10 SDHP (95,65,75,55)
10 Thrusters (95,65,75,55)
Rest 1 Minute
**20min time cap
1000m Assault Bike
10 Burpee Bar Hops
10 SDHP (95,65,75,55)
10 Thrusters (95,65,75,55)
Rest 1 Minute
**20min time cap
NOTES: This WOD is based off hero WOD “Wood”. There is a 20min strict time cap. Note that there are Rx+ and Rx option. Athletes should be able to complete all barbell movements unbroken. Rest is mandatory. Coach Athletes that if they have to wait more than 1min for a bike it is ok. 1000m = .6 miles (assault bikes show miles, not meters)
20 MB Sit Ups
20 Butterfly Sit Ups
20 Back Extensions with MB