Holiday Schedule
12.31.15 – 6:00am, 9:30am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm WODs only
1.1.16 – 9:30am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm WODs only
12.31.15 – 6:00am, 9:30am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm WODs only
1.1.16 – 9:30am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm WODs only
Dynamic Effort Lower
Mobility: 5min
3min Wall Sit + 1min Pigeon each side
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
WOD: 25min 151204
3 Rounds
10 DB Power Snatches, Left Arm
10 DB OH Squats, Left Arm
10 L-Pull Ups
10 DB Power Snatches, Right Arm
10 DB OH Squats, Right Arm
10 L-Pull Ups
***Rx+55,35 + L-Pull Ups
***Rx 45,25 + Strict Pull Ups
3 Rounds
10 DB Power Snatches, Left Arm
10 DB OH Squats, Left Arm
10 L-Pull Ups
10 DB Power Snatches, Right Arm
10 DB OH Squats, Right Arm
10 L-Pull Ups
***Rx+55,35 + L-Pull Ups
***Rx 45,25 + Strict Pull Ups
There are Rx+ and Rx options. Try your best to encourage Athletes not to use x2 dumbbells (x1 for snatch, x1 for OHS). The OHS will be challenging. Take time during the WOD demo to review this with Athletes. Have the Athletes grab a light DB (men 25, women 15) and Coach them through the snatch and OHS. Modify strict pull ups with kipping pull ups or difficult jumping pull ups. Since there is a limited class schedule, and classes will be busy, stay away from banded pull ups.
Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min
$ Out
3×20 Partner Leg Tosses