Explosive Strength
Skill Work
EMOM for 8min
20sec. Max K2E
40sec. Rest
**Score your round that has the lowest reps.
**Beginners: Focus on good kipping mechanics, syncing kips together.
**Advanced: Focus on clearly making contact with your knee and elbow each rep and shortening up the movement.
“CrossFit Open Prep #2”
18min AMRAP
75 Snatches (75,55,65,45)
60 Calorie Row
45 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12)
30 T2B (Rx=K2E)
15 Burpees to target (6″,6″,3″,3″)
75 Snatches (75,55,65,45)
60 Calorie Row
45 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12)
30 T2B (Rx=K2E)
15 Burpees to target (6″,6″,3″,3″)
$ Out
20,15,10,5 seconds of “L” Sits