Monday 2.8.16 Box Brief


We hope everyone’s functional fitness training came in handy during Winter Storm Jonas; a big thank you to all the coaches and members who braved the weather to WOD with us that weekend!

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow and predicts an early Spring which will be great  for our Valentine’s Day WOD, Spring events, training  and upcoming runs. 

And with the Spring comes The CrossFit Open Season and this month we will be holding free clinics for a little extra practice to get ready for the moves that we know we will see in the Open WODs – double unders, hand stand push-ups, pull-ups, muscle-ups and high repetition olympic lifting.  

So read below to see what is coming up and get filled in on the latest with Main Line CrossFit – Wayne!

See you at the Box, 

 – Daniel, Merrilee and Dylan

CrossFit Main Line Events
2.13.16 Open Prep Clinic #1
2.14.16 Valentines Day WOD & Party
2.20.16 Open Pre Clinic #2
2.27.16 Friday Night Lights Open WOD #1
Local Competitions
4.16.16 – Festivus Games, Worldwide
5.15.16 – Run the Vineyards – Wines and Vines 5K, Chadds Ford, PA
Click Here For More info on Competitions

Main Line CrossFit Wayne – New Location Update


We want to thank everyone for joining us on our journey to a new, bigger and better Main Line CrossFit – Wayne location.  The final architectural plans have been submitted and we are waiting for approval from the landlord.  We have been hard at work planning how to best use the 5000 sq feet of usable space, and there is a lot to look forward to, including a 100 meter indoor track, 25 ft. climbing ropes, a babysitting room and enough space to coach a large class and barbell club at the same time.  In the next few weeks we will get architectural approval, start demolition, and have build out complete for a grand opening in the spring!
You can check out the updated Main Line CrossFit renderings here



Did you forget to make those Valentines Day reservations?  Order flowers? Or even worse, forget to buy a gift?
No worries, CrossFit Main Line has you covered.
Bring that lucky someone, even if it only platonic, to the CrossFit Main Line on Sunday, February 14th for a great partner WOD, free babysitting at 9:30, food, mimosas and bloody Mary’s to start the day off right!
When: Sunday, February 14th
Time: 8:30 and 9:30 with babysitting 
Where: CrossFit Main Line – Ardmore and Wayne
The Workouts: 
“The Break Up”
Teams of 2
Push Press
“The Make Up”
Teams of 2
12 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (135, 95)
10 Pull Ups
20 Dubs (x1)

Skills Clinics
Whether you are registered for the Open or just want to practice, now is a great time to work on improving your skills.   Maybe you are ready to get that first pull-up or muscle up, or learn to string dubs or HSPU.  We will be holding free clinics in Ardmore that are open to all members.  No registration is necessary, just show up ready to learn.
Saturday 2.13.16
12:00 – 12:45pm Olympic Lifting: High Repetition
High Repetition Olympic Lifting for the CrossFit Open taught by local USAW and CrossFit Level 2 Coaches
12:45 – 1:30pm  Muscle-ups For Beginners
Muscle Up Clinic For Beginners. If you are looking to better your skill and drills.
Saturday 2.20.16  
12:00 – 12:45pm  Double Unders
Tired of doing x3 singles in the WOD?  Come learn some strategies to get those dubs down
12:45 – 1:30pm  Pull-Ups and Hand Stand Push Ups
Coaches Ana and Byrnsey team up to help you use those hips to get a kipping pull-up and  improve your HSPU


In honor of the CrossFit Games Open 2016 we will be having a “friendly” inter-box throwdown:

The Gents vs The Ladies!
Weekly scores will be tallied and the looser have to buy dinner!
(more details to come…)
Click Here to Pre-order yours now!
*note – shirts may appear grey in picture but are white*
Click Here to Read More

CrossFit Games Open 2016


Registration for the 2016 CrossFit Open begins January 14th!  More than 272,000 people from around the globe competed in the Open last year. As the largest CrossFit community event of the season, the Open ties together athletes from within the same gym to those in their broader city, country and world.

Starting February 25th, for five weeks, a workout with Rx and Scaled options will be released by CrossFit on Thursday evening.  Anyone registered for the Open has until the following Monday to complete the WOD and enter their score.

As the CrossFit Open season approaches its once again time to work on those inevitable burpees, snatches and infamous muscle ups. Over the months of January and February WODs and free clinics will be scheduled to prepare us to set personal best.

We will be holding the Open WODs on Friday nights at the Ardmore location.  If you are registered for the Open, please join everyone and complete in our Friday night lights workouts that will have the judges, fans and a drinks you need to cheers another Open WOD complete! More event details to come….

Good luck and have fun!

Electronic Waivers

We have updated our waivers to be stored electronically on Wodify.  Please go in and sign the updated waiver via Wodify at your earliest convenience.  There are two options:1.  At the Box, sign in via Wodify as usual.  Click the red paper icon next to your name to email yourself the electronic waiver, fill it out later on your device, and you are done!

2.  At anytime, sign into Wodify from your computer.  Click on My Profile on the upper right hand corner, and then chose Waivers from the menu on the left. Click on the waiver, fill it out and you are good to go!

We are now stocking four delicious flavors of Best Bars at the Boxes – Original, Apple Pie, Chocolate Coconut and Chocolate Peanut Butter.  Grab your favorite from the fridge for $4.

CrossFit Kids is back!

Our popular CrossFit Teens program is back for the 2016 winter season. Interested in your teen joining our crew?

On-Ramp Classes
Ever have someone tell you they want to try CrossFit but they don’t know how to start? Let them know that we are now holding On-Ramp classes twice monthly on Saturdays to teach the foundational movements of CrossFit. 
Email to register.

On-Ramp Schedule
2.6.16 – Wayne
2.20.16 – Ardmore

February 2016 CrossFit Schedule
