Week of 2.8.16 Barbell Club

Conjugate Strength


1,  Front Squat (1RM)
2.  Overhead Squat (@ 75% 10×2)
3.  20″ Front Rack Step Ups Against Single Orange (3×10)
4.  Chest Supported Flat Bench Rows (3×12)
5.  Metcon
3 Rounds
10 Good Mornings
10 KB Squat Jumps


1.  Snatch Balance (5-5-5-3-3-3)
2.  Snatch (Heavy Single)
3.  Clean and Jerk (Heavy Single)
4.  Back Squat (@ 70% 5×5)


1.  Push Press Against Single Orange (@60% 8×3)

2.  Clean Shrugs (@90% 3×6)
3.  Good Mornings (3×8)
4.  Wide Stance Barbell Hip Bridges (3×12)
5.  Banded Kettlebell Swings (Heaviest Band Possible 3×10)