Thursday 8.18.16 WOD

Dynamic Effort Upper
Happy 4th Anniversary Main Line CrossFit – Ardmore


“Main Line”
CFML opened 8.18.12
12min AMRAP
8 Power Cleans (135,95)
18 Box Jumps (24,20)


Close Grip Bench (3×8, close grip at 60% )
**FOR EXAMPLE: If you come to a week where you fail, making only 6 of your 8 reps at 225 lbs. close grip, the following week switch your grip to medium grip for 3×5 reps and lower your starting weight to 205. Follow this procedure for when you fail at 5 reps by going to 3×3 reps at wide grip.

$ Out

Standing Banded Oblique Twists – 4×25 Per Side