Thursday 10.27.16 Box Brief

Halloween Throwdown Workouts

Saturday 10.29.16, 8:30am & 9:30am WOD times.
Come with your team name prepared.

In Teams of 2
Workout #1
“Happy Haunting”
Each partner will find their 1RM Cluster, score is total combined weight
Example: Partner 1 (115#) + Partner 2 (165#) = 280#
–1min Rest–
Max Pull Up
Partner 1: Jumping Pull Ups
Partner 2: Pull Ups
**Partners will rotate ever 30sec. and score total jumping pull ups + pull ups

Workout #2
“Sleepy Hollow”
Partner #1
Row for Cals
Hang Power Cleans (75,55)

Partner #2
Bike for Cals
Hang Power Snatch (75,55)
**Partner #1 will complete 21-15-9 Cals and Cleans, then Partner #2 will complete 21-15-9 Cals and Snatches. Score time

Workout #3
12min AMRAP
MedBall Variation
Burpee Variation
Toes 2 Bar Variation
Partner #1  15 Reps at each station
Partner #2 12 Reps at each station
**Score total reps

Station #1
15 Medball Cleans (20,14)
12 Wall Balls (20,14)

Station #2
15 Burpees
12 Burpee Box Jumps (24,20)

Station #3
15 Knees to Elbow
12 Toes 2 Bar