Conjugate Strength
1. Power Snatch (8×2 @ 75%)
2. Overhead Squat (4×2)
3. Clean and Jerk (10×1)
4. DB Box Jump (3×10)
1. Banded Squat Clean – Single Purple (15×1 @ 70-75%)
2. Snatch Balance (4×3)
3. Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (8×2 @ 55%)
4. Push Press (3×5 @ 80%)
Open Gym
1. Clean and Jerk (80-90x2x5)
5 sets of 2 at 80-90%
2. Snatch Pull + Snatch (80-85×2+1×5)
5 sets of 2 pulls + 1 snatch at 80-85%
3. Front Squat (80-85×3)
4. Half Kneeling KB Press (4 sets of 6)