Monster Mash!
WOD #1
“Linchpin Test 4”
2 Rounds
18 Cal. Row
15 Thrusters (95,65)
12 C2B
18 Cal. Row
15 Thrusters (95,65)
12 C2B
–At 15min Start WOD #2–
WOD #2
For Time:
150 Dubs (x3)
100′ Handstand Walk
50 Pistols, alternate legs
150 Dubs (x3)
100′ Handstand Walk
50 Pistols, alternate legs
–At 30min Start WOD #3–
WOD #3
100 Burpees
**Every 2min complete 1 legless rope climb, 15′
**Start with burpees, 10min time cap
**Every 2min complete 1 legless rope climb, 15′
**Start with burpees, 10min time cap