Prom Location & King/Queen WOD #2
CrossFit Prom Leaderboard Update
Prom Box Competition Explanation
Calf & Quad
“Take My Breath Away”
100 Dubs (300 singles)
75 Cal Row
50 DB Front Rack Lunges (45,35,35,25)
**partition work however you see fit**
75 Cal Row
50 DB Front Rack Lunges (45,35,35,25)
**partition work however you see fit**
• 20min time cap
• DB in each hand, L+R = 2
• Rx = Dubs & (45,35# DB)
• Scaled = Singles & (35,25# DB)
• DB in each hand, L+R = 2
• Rx = Dubs & (45,35# DB)
• Scaled = Singles & (35,25# DB)
$ Out
5 Rounds
5 Deficit HSPU
10 Box Overs
**Athletes choice of deficit & box height
5 Deficit HSPU
10 Box Overs
**Athletes choice of deficit & box height