Mobility: 8min
– Lax Ball on Calves x 30s each
– Banded Ankle Distractions x 15 each
– Banded Ankle Distractions x 15 each
Warm-up: 8min
Dynamic Circle Warm-up
+ Tabata Double Unders
+ Tabata Double Unders
Strength: 10min
Pistol Practice
*Spend 5:00 going over Pistols and 5:00 practicing.
Scaling Options:
– Post or band assisted
– Box Pistol
– Single Leg Movement ie. lunge
*Spend 5:00 going over Pistols and 5:00 practicing.
Scaling Options:
– Post or band assisted
– Box Pistol
– Single Leg Movement ie. lunge
Training Intent
Spend 15:00 working on pistols to prepare for metcon. Scaling for this workout should allow consistent work output.
WOD: 30min
For time: (30:00 Cap)
Row 500 meters
50 KBS (70,55)
100 Double Unders
Row 400 meters
50 Alt. Pistols
75 Double Unders
Row 50 Calories
25 Double Unders
50 Walking OH Lunges (45,25 Plate)
Rx: (55,35)
L2: (45,25) (Walking Lunges for Pistols)
Alternate Scaling Options:
– Rowing: Scale to 400m Run each set or 100, 2 count Mountain Climbers Each Set.
Row 500 meters
50 KBS (70,55)
100 Double Unders
Row 400 meters
50 Alt. Pistols
75 Double Unders
Row 50 Calories
25 Double Unders
50 Walking OH Lunges (45,25 Plate)
Rx: (55,35)
L2: (45,25) (Walking Lunges for Pistols)
Alternate Scaling Options:
– Rowing: Scale to 400m Run each set or 100, 2 count Mountain Climbers Each Set.
Training Intent
This workout is intended to be slow/aerobic workout today. With that said, none of the movements should bring them to standstill making the need for proper scaling with double unders, pistols, and KB weight important. Make sure people watch their pace in the beginning. Starting off the first row can make or break this workout. Times will range from 18:00-25:00.