Zercher Squat 3RM
Beginner: Perform sets of 5 adding weight if form permits.
Intent: After you get over the discomfort these become a great variation to develop anterior core and upper back. Use a yoga mat or knee sleeve to help with the discomfort.
Intent: After you get over the discomfort these become a great variation to develop anterior core and upper back. Use a yoga mat or knee sleeve to help with the discomfort.
“Dead Ball V2”
10min AMRAP
10 Deadlifts (225,55)
20 Wallballs (20,14)
Rx: (185,125) (20,14)
L2: (155,105) (14,10)
L1: (135,95) (10,8)
10 Deadlifts (225,55)
20 Wallballs (20,14)
Rx: (185,125) (20,14)
L2: (155,105) (14,10)
L1: (135,95) (10,8)
Intent: The benchmark version of this workout has 2 minutes of rest after each set. Startegy will need to be slightly different so we can sustain our work ouput. Deadlifts should be challenging but capable of being done UB. Wallballs should be done in 2 sets or less.
$ Out
3 Rounds
10 KB Rows, each arm
15 Banded Resisted Russian Swings
20 Hollow Rocks
10 KB Rows, each arm
15 Banded Resisted Russian Swings
20 Hollow Rocks