Congrats to our April Athletes of the month!
Thanks for being a daily example of CrossFit Main Lines core values and what it mean to be a ‘Rock Star CrossFitter’.
As Athlete of the month you’re officially on the ballet for 2018 Athlete of the Year and have access to your vary own locker during the month of April!
CrossFit Main Line – Ardmore
Nicole Swartley

1. When and how did you get started with us?
I began working out at the box in September of 2014 after my hubby, Matt Swartley, started in January of the same year. I told Marilee that I was just going to try it but that it was probably too intense for me. Half-way through the 1st workout, I was hooked. Apparently, intensity suits me just fine.
The most unexpected outcome of becoming a member of Crossfit Main Line is the amount of fun I have because of the amazing friendships that I have developed from working out with this incredible and super fun group of people. The awesome people are why I show up every day.
2. Favorite workout?/Least favorite workout?
My favorite workout includes anything with snatches, overhead squats, cleans, shoulders to overhead, chest to bar or my all time favorite, toes to bar. Least favorite workouts include deadlifts or squats (so hard to get back up once you get all the way down there). What I love about all the moves is that when working out you ‘disappear’ from your own head. I can think of nothing else other than the movements (and the music which I love). Mindfulness to the max.
3. What’s the wallpaper on your phone right now?
A photo of Matt and I chillin’ at our favorite margarita destination in Rehoboth this past summer.
4. What’s in your most frequently used emoji tab?
The face with one squinty eye and one open eye and his tongue sticking out: Pretty much sums up my reaction to most things. My new favorite one though is the nerdy glasses fella with the two buck-teeth: how i love that little face.
5. What genre of music would you be?
Hip hop club: the louder, the better!
6. What’s the last thing you searched for on Google?
‘Cool places to hang out in Paris’ and ‘Best wine bars in Paris’ and ‘Gluten free pastries in Paris’ and ‘ in Paris’…get it?
7. What’s your favorite cheat food?
Penn State Creamery ice cream, french fries at Parc and Chips and Guac at Elvez…I could go on and on (popcorn at the Bryn Mawr Movie theater).
8. What superpower would you want to possess?
To be able to squat and do deadlifts or to be invisible: I love people watching but don’t always get away with it.
9. If you could travel anywhere outside of this planet, where would you go and why?
I have many places that I would like to visit on this planet first. I have a list like you wouldn’t believe. I’m kicking it off in a few days heading to Paris to celebrate Matt’s and my 25th wedding anniversary and conclusion of raising children. Let the traveling begin!!
CrossFit Main Line – Wayne
Kristin Waxman

1. When and how did you get started with us?
I first joined CFML Wayne box in Sept 2016. With an infant at home and working full time, I had a hard time prioritizing my workouts, but within the last year I’ve been able to commit and attend more consistently. I’ve been doing Crossfit for almost 8 years and I am truly impressed with the coaching, encouragement, energy & awesome people at the Wayne box! The space and amenities are awesome and I’m very happy to be part of this community! The babysitting has been such a HUGE help with helping me get back to a regular routine – thank you for all your support!
2. Favorite workout?/Least favorite workout?
Favorite WOD = anything with power cleans; Favorite benchmarks include Helen, Nancy & Karen (Karen was my first ever Rx WOD….so it has a special place in my heart)
Least Favorite WOD = anything with hspu or ring muscle ups!
3. What’s the wallpaper on your phone right now?
Family holiday pic of me, my husband (Wax) and my 2yr old son (Joey). Joey is actually smiling!
4. What’s in your most frequently used emoji tab?
Hearts and thumbs up!
5. What genre of music would you be?
Hawaiian island music…. we went to Hawaii on our honeymoon… ahh, that’s my happy place. I hope we can go back someday – maybe for our 20 yr anniversary?!
6. What’s the last thing you searched for on Google?
Amazon, weather, 2018 Crossfit Games7.
7. What’s your favorite cheat food?
That’s easy…. ice cream!
8. What superpower would you want to possess?
I would like to FLY! Then maybe I could fly up and finally get a ring muscle up!
9. If you could travel anywhere outside of this planet, where would you go and why?
Wow – never thought of that. I guess Mars? I’d check it out to see if humans can live there, then maybe build a vacation spot!