Saturday 4.28.18 CrossFit

Box Brief:
Weekly WOD breakdown
Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30


2 Rounds of:
7 Power Snatch
12 Wallballs
15 Calorie Row


“Mustang Sally”
In teams of 3 for time:
Power Snatch (95,65)
Wallballs (20,14)
Calories on the Rower
L2: (65,45)(14,10)
L1: (55,35)(10,8)
Sub Row for:  Cals on Bike or Ski Erg

Intent: Come up with a strategy before starting that today that will minimize transition and allow for consistent work for the duration. Your loading choices for the snatches should be light as there is a total of 100 reps per athlete in this workout. You should be able to muscle snatch all reps.

$ Out

1a) Banded Alphabets: 2×1 set on each side
1b) Banded Pull-through: 2×20