Box Brief:
Sign up for “Us” for “You” Kids Challenge and Toy Drive
Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning
Power Clean+ Front Squat + Jerk (EMOM 8×2 @ 75%)
Intent: Final week of speed work with PC + FS + Jerk. Your loading should be slightly heavier this
week but remember you should not be failing on any sets.
week but remember you should not be failing on any sets.
Metcon Prep
3 Rounds
2 Squat Cleans
5 C2B Pull-ups
– Rest 60s –
*build to workout weight
2 Squat Cleans
5 C2B Pull-ups
– Rest 60s –
*build to workout weight
“Mr. Clean”
C2B Pull-ups
Squat Cleans (185,125)
Rx: (155,105)
L3: (Pull-ups)(135, 95)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups)(115, 75)
L1: (Ring Rows)(95, 65)
C2B Pull-ups
Squat Cleans (185,125)
Rx: (155,105)
L3: (Pull-ups)(135, 95)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups)(115, 75)
L1: (Ring Rows)(95, 65)
*Last done on 2/2/18
Intent: Benchmark workout. This workout is intended to be taken down in small chunks so challenge
yourself with loading and it’s okay if you break you pull-ups into small sets.
Intent: Benchmark workout. This workout is intended to be taken down in small chunks so challenge
yourself with loading and it’s okay if you break you pull-ups into small sets.
1a) Banded Pull-Through 3×20
1b) Banded Low to High Rotation 3x10ea
1b) Banded Low to High Rotation 3x10ea