Box Brief
Box Brief: Level-Up Challenge Day 3 of 21
Every 4min for 3 Rounds
1a) Push-up: submax
1b) 1-Arm KB Row w. rotation
1c) KB bicep curl
20min AMRAP
Heavy Sledpush 100m
Heavy Farmer or Suitcase Carry w/ barbell
Stone to Shoulder or Overshoulder
Bottoms Up KB Carry
Tire Flips
Intent: Today’s work is GPP based and doubles as high-resistance aerobic work. This work is beneficial to improve posture, core endurance, and grip strength.
40s ON / 20s OFF
Min1: Max Cal Row
Min 2: Max Box Jumps
Min 3: Max Hollow Rocks
Min 4: Max 10m Shuttle Run
Min 5: Max Rope Climbs
Intent: Longer EMOM today with not a ton of rest. Reminding athletes that pacing is key and you can’t possibly sprint for 40s and survive. Use the Rope Climb minute as a way to work efficiency and take the intensity down a notch for that minute.