Wednesday 2.27.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

3/1: 1st Friday Buds and Suds, 4:30-6:30p



Push Press 6×2 @ 85%

Intent: This is the final week of our banded push press work. Even though the weights should be heavier all sets should be fast/efficient.


“Nowhere Fast”

5 Rounds
18/15 Cal Bike
15 T2B

Intent: Today’s metcon should challenge both the lungs and local muscle endurance. It’s likely your output will fall off on this one so having a solid strategy with all elements of this workout is important. Effort should be around 80%.


5min Mobility recovery with Coach


1.) “Death By” Bike Calories
*20:00 CAP
– 3min rest –
2.) AMRAP 20
5 Ring Rows
10 Russian KB Swings
20 Lateral Jumps Over KB

Intent : The “Death By” will most likely take somewhere between 10-15 Minutes. When an athlete is eliminated they may take a minute or two off then casually ride out the remaining of the 20min to flush out the legs. On #2, we have another “Cindy” like workout where it should be a strong consistent push for all 20 Minutes. All reps unbroken.