4 Rounds
6-8 Strict T2B
8-10 Close Grip Bench Press
10-12 Ring Rows
EMOM 15:
First 5 Rounds: 2 Power Clean + Jerk
Second 5 Rounds: 3 Power Clean + Jerk
Last 5 Rounds: 4 Power Clean + Jerks
Single Leg DB RDLs w. support: 4 x 6 each
– Strength: Today’s work is a little bit different structure than normal, but all rounds should be challenging and devoid of failure. There is a “rep range” so people can stay away from failure and work within their ability. There should be at least 2-3 ramp-up sets of Close Grip Bench Press before starting this. Prior to starting the Metcon you’ll have plenty of time to review and warm-up the Power Clean and Jerks
– Metcon: The first 2/3 of this workout should be doable, but as fatigue sets in and the reps increase to 5 per set things should get quite challenging. Even still all work should be capable of being completed within the 60s interval. Rx+ is touch-and-go for all reps. Although the weight isn’t necessarily heavy, rest will be limited and the reps will add up quick. This is a total of 45 C&Js in 15 minutes so athletes should select a weight that feels moderately heavy, but also allows them to maintain proper form throughout the workout.
10 Rounds For Time:
18/15 Calorie Row
15 Wall Balls
12 KB Swings
Metcon – The goal is to keep the Row to 1min or less, and go Unbroken on the other two movements. If unsure of what calorie count you should do, pick a goal number to try and hit. Cap yourself at 1min of work on the Rower, and if you hit the number beforehand then you’re good. If you fail to hit the number, try to keep sustaining the number you got to at the 1min mark for the duration of the workout. The goal of the workout as a whole is to choose a solid sustainable pace that’ll allow you to push but also recover in that short 1min Rest period. Transitions between movements should be quick.