Box Brief
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1: Power Clean 5 x 3
2: Back Rack RFESS 4 x 5
1K/850 Row
Max Muscle Ups
– 2min Rest –
# Muscle Ups Completed Above
Max Meters Row
Single Arm Farmer Carry: Max 100 Ft. Trips in 5 Minutes.
– Strength: This is our second week and final week of working these 2 movements. We are increasing weight on the power cleans (from 75% to 80%) and looking to increase weight on RFESS by roughly 10# for all 4 work sets. The goal here to be fast/efficient on each set of power cleans and the RFESS the goal it beat last week’s weights for all sets – these should be challenging for all four work sets of 5 on each leg. Overall, keep in mind that we training speed-strength today as well as single-leg strength.
– Metcon: Week 2 of lactic work. 100% effort on each AMRAP. This may not look as sexy on paper, but is an incredibly effective way to train the lactic system – for many going “100%” may be unfamiliar to them and this work helps ensure they receive the desired stimulus and actually train the anaerobic system. The goal here is to train the anaerobic systems where Athletes are not limited by their level of skill.