Box Brief
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Shoulder Press 1RM
“Heart Breaker”
15 Push Press
Double Alternating Tabata: 8 x 20s work/10s rest.
1a) Banded pull-aparts
1b) Wheels on the Bus
25 Russian KB Swings
20 Burpees
15 Cal Row
10 DB Push Press
– Then –
3 Rounds, AFAP but not for time
12 DB Bicep Curls
12 DB Bent Over Rows
24 Shoulder Taps
– Strength: Athletes should try to improve on their previous 1RM by 5# and the best way for this to happen is by having a plan. Additionally, small jumps in weight are recommended – most people progress too fast and fail too early – we want to avoid that as this negates the purpose of proper ramp- up sets and negates the correct amount of volume we want people to receive. Watch to ensure your folks are not hyperextending at the lower-back back and pushing in front of the face. Remind athletes to stand tall, stay tight, keep the elbows in, and move the head out of the path of the barbell to keep a straight bar path throughout the movement. This was last tested on 1/4.
– Metcon: Athletes effort should be around 80% today – be careful with this one or risk redlining early. Most Athletes are familiar with “simple couplets” and how devastating they can be – this workout will be no different especially if people don’t start slow and adjust their pace as the workout progresses. Athletes should pace early on (try to stay around that 80% intensity and maintain). Keep in mind that loading should allow for big sets – a minimum of two sets for at least the first few rounds at which points going 3 x 5 will be feasible for SDHP, but Push Press should be completed UB for as long as possible to decrease the number of times the bar has to be cleaned to the shoulders.
– Metcon: Athletes effort should be around 80% today – be careful with this one or risk redlining early. Most Athletes are familiar with “simple couplets” and how devastating they can be – this workout will be no different especially if people don’t start slow and adjust their pace as the workout progresses. Athletes should pace early on (try to stay around that 80% intensity and maintain). Keep in mind that loading should allow for big sets – a minimum of two sets for at least the first few rounds at which points going 3 x 5 will be feasible for SDHP, but Push Press should be completed UB for as long as possible to decrease the number of times the bar has to be cleaned to the shoulders.