Box Brief
Summer Solstice Workouts
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Back Squat 3 x 5
Squat Clean 6 x1
Min 1: 10 Romanian Deadlifts
Min 2: 10 Goblet Box Squats
Min 3: 10 Air Squat Jumps
Min 4: 180′ Asymmetrical Carry
5 Minutes of Static Stretching
– Or –
Summer Slim Down Xtra Work
Complete For Time
Buy In:
1,000m Row
– Then –
12 Rounds
6 DB Power Cleans
6 Burpees
– Then –
Cashout :
1,000m Row
Sumo Deadlift
AMRAP 8mins
10 Overhead Squats
10 Hang Squat Cleans
– Strength: Today is week 2 of our Back Squat rep work. All sets should be challenging, but there should not be any breakdown in technique. We’ll conclude today’s work with a challenging squat clean single over the course of 6 sets done every 60s. A few things to note for today – Back Squats will likely feel lighter than 80% for most – this doesn’t mean go heavier, this means work on being faster and moving with perfect technique. The purpose of the squat clean work is work up to a heavy single – roughly 85% of 1RM in 6 quick sets. We want you to end on a high-note – there should not be any missed reps here.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon consists of a few elements mainly to train the posterior chain, grip, core, and aerobic system. This workout is more of an accessory piece but will still elevate your heart-rates as well as challenge you from head to toe. All weight choices should be heavy. A good rule of thumb for the RDLs is using 100% of their squat clean weight today.
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