Sunday 9.22.19 Workouts

Box Brief

2019 CFML Equinox Liftoff: 9.23.19 Ardmore vs. Wayne!

Max Clean & Jerk and Snatch for Bragger’s Rights

Register for the CrossFit Open



3 Rounds:
100′ Bear Crawl
20 Ball Slams
30/21 Calorie Assault Bike


Three Bowls of Porridge (Time)

100m run
10 DB Renegade Rows
10 DB Pushups

– 2:00 rest –

200m run
20 DB Deadlifts
20 DB Front Squats

– 2:00 rest –

For Time:
400m run
5 Devil Press
10 Renegade Rows
5 Devil Press
10 DB Pushups
5 Devil Press
20 DB Deadlift
5 Devil Press
20 Front Squats
5 Devil Press
400m Run


CROSSFIT: If you want want a little more of a higher skill challenge,  change the Bear Crawl to a 50′ handstand walk.
Try to get faster on the bike with each round.

ENDURANCE: Aim for lighter weights today; the first two AMRAPs are intended to be short sprints of effort.  Keep the weights moving!  Move fast! The addition of the Devil Press in the third workout will  keep your pace in check.  Despite having the same weights and same rep scheme as the first two AMRAPs, you’ll have to move at a slower pace to maintain your form and efficiency.

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