NOTICE || 2019 Wins & 2020 Membership Modifications

2019 was a BIG year for CrossFit Main Line. As we reflect on how far we’ve come, it’s fair to say that the CrossFit Main Line of today would be barely recognizable to the product we offered a few years ago.

Over the past 12 months we’ve been dedicated to delivering features and enhancements that raise the bar for our industry: 

New equipment & facility upgrades || Constant Improvement

World-class training facilities like CrossFit Main Line require constant equipment upgrades, maintenance, and facility improvements. In the past 12 months alone we have invested in the below equipment upgrades and maintenance. 

Equipment investments totaling $20,000

  • New Echo Bikes
  • New Ski Erg
  • Refurbishment and monthly maintenance of Assault Bikes
  • Refurbishment of Concept 2 rowers
  • New dumbbells 
  • New medicine balls
  • New barbell clips and bands
  • New chalk holders and stands
  • New soft boxes and box maintenance

Facility upgrade investments totaling $4,000

  • Ardmore 
    • Repainted
    • Flooring updated
    • Additional seating
  • Wayne
    • Repainted
    • Wodify accessibility improved
    • Additional seating

Thanks to our members’ feedback, we are able to plan for more additions in 2020 and 2021! Thank you to the many members that share their gratitude and appreciation for the experience we provide. 

Additional programs || Your feedback matters

Yearly surveys, focus group meetings and quarterly Coach feedback helps us provide the product and facility you want. In the last 12 months alone we have added more classes and programs. 

  • 16 more endurance classes per month
  • 12 new Barbell Club classes per month
  • 8 Yoga and Mobility classes per month 
  • New USA Weightlifting Coach 

Internationally recognized Coaches

We are grateful that our community has positioned CrossFit Main Line as the #1 CrossFit facility in Philadelphia and one of the largest in North America. As our community impact grows, so does the desire for fitness Coaches to work with great Athletes like you. In the past 12 months, we have received requests from Coaches on every continent. Including some of the largest fitness businesses in Iceland, France, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and Brazil. 

Thank you for your continued positive support and feedback with each coaching candidate. We are excited to be one of the few CrossFit communities that are passionate about providing full-time employment opportunities to qualified coaches. 

Our Managing Partners, Chelsey Winland and Ray Singson, along with our Chief of Staff, Betsy Engels, and Head of Leadership Development, Colette Zdon are working together to build and implement programs, systems, and resources that will positively impact all of our athlete’s lives. As a team, they are dedicated to the success of CFML and the entire community.

Membership Modifications in 2020

As you may know, we announced in July 2019 that as of March 1, 2020, for the first time since its inclusion in agreements in 2012, we will switch on the annual $5 inflation increase for all CrossFit Main Line members. To get $5, we took the average membership rate of all of our athletes in all of our programs to find the equivalent to 3%.  

As of March 1, 2020, all athletes in all programs including adults, kids, discounted first responders, babysitters, and nutrition clients will see a $5 increase on their monthly payment.

We’d like to be very open about this, so you understand the reasoning behind the adjustments. For example, when it affects your account and how to contact us with any questions. 

Just like many small businesses, CrossFit Main Line started as a bootstrapped family business, so we understand that any unforeseen expenses can cause stress. We took this into account and believe that we are approaching this topic with care while at the same time ensuring that we can continue to serve you. The support that you have shown since 2012 has allowed us to build Philadelphia’s #1 CrossFit facility.  

Why are we adjusting prices? 

We are constantly improving to ensure we deliver the best results for busy professionals, like you. In the past year, we have added more class times, new equipment and recruited Coaches at a higher level. Resulting in a better product to ensure you maximize your results during the time you spend at CrossFit Main Line.

What are the new prices? 

While we consistently evaluate our programs and packages for new members we embarrassingly haven’t activated the annual inflation change since its inception in agreements in 2012. 

If you are interested in learning more about our current package rates, please email or

Who is affected? 

The adjustment applies to all current CrossFit Main Line members, including kids.

When will this happen?

The inflation increase will occur annually starting March 1, 2020. 

Is there any “fine print”?

No! The inflation increase language in the CrossFit Main Line agreement hasn’t changed since 2012. 

And finally…

We know that a change in pricing is never going to be an exciting topic for a member. Thank you for your support as we grow, re-invest and serve our favorite community of people.

Yours in health,

– Daniel, Merrilee and the entire team

Connect with our team 

Daniel Davidson || Owner

Merrilee Davidson || Owner

Betsy Engels || Chief of Staff

Raymond Singson || Managing Partner, Ardmore

Chelsey Winland || Managing Partner, Wayne