Weekly Breakdown 1/17/2022

Your Circle Matters. Even in January, when motivation is at its highest, doing the right things to optimize your health can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Social outings, hectic schedules, built up stress—these are factors that we all deal with on a regular basis and can make it difficult for us to eat the right things, get to the gym, get to bed early, or work on any of those other habits that we need to work on. One thing you can do that’s in your control to make a healthy lifestyle feel easier is to carefully audit the people you surround yourself with. If everyone you spend time with eats the foods you’re trying to avoid, stays up late, and doesn’t exercise, it will naturally make it more difficult for you to make those changes. Who you choose to surround yourself with matters more than you may realize. Auditing your circle doesn’t mean you have to cut people out. It could just mean spending more time with the people that will make you better. 


Saturday January 22nd: CFML – Ardmore Re-test Day. In-body Scanner and Benchmark WOD. In-body Scanner and Benchmark WOD. Measure your muscle, fat, and hydration and track your progress through our benchmark workout. Learn about some pre and post workout habits and nutrition tips we recommend from our pro shop!
Saturday January 29th: CFML – Wayne Re-test Day. In-body Scanner and Benchmark WOD. Measure your muscle, fat, and hydration and track your progress through our benchmark workout. Physical Therapist Josh Finley will be onsite for some Q&A

• REMINDER: March 1, annual inflation increase 7%

Link to Schedule for Winter 2022


Mon: For Time: 40 Alt. DB Cleans, 40 Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges, 800m Run, 20 Alt. DB Cleans, 20 Alt. DB FR Lunge, 800m Run, 40 Alt. DB Clean, 40 Alt. DB Lunge
Tues: Strength: 4×4 Strict Handstand Push- up or 6 Pike Push- up, 200/250m row in between. Every 4:30 x 4 sets, 500/400m Row, 12 Handstand Push- ups, 50 Double Unders
Wed: Strength: 4×3 Overhead Squat, 3 Rounds for Time: 15 Bar Facing Up- Downs, 5 Hang Squat Snatch, Optional Finisher- 3 Rounds for Time: 50 Air Squats, 15 Hand Release Push- Ups
Thurs: 10min Skill of Kipping or Butterfly Chest to Bar Pull- Ups, 2x 8min AMRAP, 15/12 Cal Bike, 10 Chest to Bar Pull- Ups, 15 Sit- Ups
Fri: Strength: On a 16:00 clock build to a heavy 2 Rep Power Clean + Jerk, Every :30 for 20min, 1 Power Clean and Jerk or 2-3 Moderate Clean and Jerks
Sat: “Kelly” 5 Rounds for Time: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps, 30 Wall-balls, or Partner 30min AMRAP 400m Run together with wallball, 60 Box Jumps, 60 Wall- Balls, split up however
Sun: 5 Sets, 10 Burpees, 15 Strict Push- Ups, 10-15 Toes to Bar, 1:00 KB Standing Goblet, 20 Russian Swings

Coach Chelsey’s Open Gym Workout Of The Week:

For time:
2,000 meter row
100 Pistols
30 Hang Power Cleans (225/145)

Some advice from Chelsey: “​​This is such a fun workout! Control the row, attack the pistols. Then I would recommend doing small sets with really short breaks on the hang power cleans.”

Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying

CrossFit Games Season Schedule is Here: READ MORE 

  • The Open will still be three weeks, consisting of 22.1, 22.2 and 22.3.
  • Semifinals will still take place over four separate weekends.
  • There are still a lot of details left to be announced, including the release of the full season rulebook, locations of Semifinal events, and registration details.

Your Creaky Shoulders

Lifting overhead is as much about mobility as it is strength. Getting those shoulders moving fast and locked out strong is impossible if you can’t even do it without the weight. Add these three drills to your warmup to stretch your shoulders and increase your strength overhead.


Heavy Thrusters

If you think your technique isn’t perfect at 65 and 95 pounds…those problems aren’t going to magically fix themselves as you go heavier. Follow these tips to become better at heavy thrusters (and get through them faster).


Should You Be Taking Creatine?

No supplement can replace training, but new research is showing that creatine can certainly help you get more benefits. Check out how it works, why it works, and decide if you should be adding it to your daily shake.


How to Properly Scale Pull-Ups

If you can’t quite perform a pull-up, it can be tricky finding the right scaled movement for where you are in your fitness journey. Check out this guide from WODPrep and learn five different ways to scale your pull-ups to choose the one that’s right for you.