Wednesday 11.26.14 WOD

Explosive Strength & Strength Endurance


Wednesday Burner
Tabata This:
Dubs (x3)
Handstand Holds
Deadlift static hold in lockout (85% 1RM)
**8 rounds of 20sec. on 10sec. off on each movement before moving to the next
**Score total reps on each movement, Wodify will add up the total
**HS Hold & Deadlift – score total successful rounds

Extra Credit

3 Rds
10 GHDs
15 Supermans
20 Hip Extensions

Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule

• Thursday 11.27.14 –  9am WOD, 10am Flag Football at Radnor Memorial Park
• Friday 11.28.14 – 9:30am & 4:30pm (both with babysitting)
• Saturday 11.29.14 – Regular Schedule Resumes