Dynamic Effort Lower
Front Box Squat (6×3 @ 60% 1RM Front Squat )
**Box height is well below parallel
“The Truffle Shuffle”
30 Back Squats (135, 95)
30 Box Jumps (24, 20)
30 Deadlifts (135,95)
30 KB Swings (55, 35)
30 Box Jumps (24, 20)
30 Deadlifts (135,95)
30 KB Swings (55, 35)
**Bar taken from ground
Special Strength
3×8 Band Assisted Inverse Curl
**Use rig, have partner stand on feet
**Use rig, have partner stand on feet
Special Strength
4 x 20 Banded Hip Adductions
** 4 sets on each side
** 4 sets on each side
50 Weighted Barbell Sit Ups
**Anchor feet under dolly
**Anchor feet under dolly
4 x 20 Reverse Hypers