February Newsletter
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Protected: Saturday 1.4.17 WOD NOTES
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Friday 1.3.17 WOD
Max Effort Lower WOD In 10min find your 1RM Back Squat or Front Squat or Overhead Squat **From the rack –Then– “False Flags” 7 Rounds 200m Row 1 Snatch **Only 1 attempt to complete a snatch (full or power) each round. If you fail do not count towards score **Score total weight moved and time […]
Protected: Friday 2.3.17 WOD NOTES
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Thursday 2.2.17 WOD
Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Apollo” 5 x 3min AMRAPs 2,4,6,8,10,12…… K2E 4 Unbroken Thrusters 3min rest between each round **Score your lowest total thrusters, weight in comments $Out Power snatch + Hang power snatch (10min EMOM @ 60%) WOD NOTES
Protected: Thursday 2.2.17 WOD NOTES
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2.1.17 Box Brief
Are your friends and family constantly asking you about your MAGICAL FITNESS ROUTINE? Show them what its like to be the fittest person in any room and invite them to CrossFit to become the strongest versions of themselves. BRING A FRIEND DAY IS THIS WEDNESDAY. IF THEY SIGN UP WE WILL GIVE YOU […]
Wednesday 2.1.17 WOD
Bring a Friend Day! WOD “Tri Sprint Intervals V3” 5 Rounds of 4:00 on / 4:00 off 30,20 Calorie Row 30 10m Shuttle Sprints AMRAP Calorie Bike Rest 4:00 between rounds **Score total cals biked $ Out 3 x Max Time Plank **elbow or straight arm WOD NOTES
Protected: Wednesday 2.1.17 WOD NOTES
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