Wednesday 2.11.15 On-Ramp @CFML
@CFML On-Ramp Class #2 Skill Review: Squat Dead Lift Push Ups New Skill: Standing Press Push Press Push /Split Jerk Box Jumps W.O.D.: 8min AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 10 Push Presses 10 DeadLifts
Wednesday 2.11.15 Barbell Club
@CFR5 A: Snatch Pull + Snatch (10×1) 10 sets 25 min cap B: Front Squat (5x3x80) 3-5 warmup sets, then 4x4x80 25 min C: Clean Complex (4 sets)
Wednesday 2.11.15 Crossfit Kids
Warm-up Lumber Jacks and Farmers Weightlifting Kettle bell swings Game Build a fort Gymnastics Junkyard dog push ups Obstacle Course! “Blazing Byrnsy” wall walk–5 burpees–crawl under the benches–climb over the boxes—backwards balance beam–flip on rings—log roll Metcon 10 KB swings 10 wall walks 10 squats
Tuesday 2.10.15 On-Ramp @CFR5
@CFR5 On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? CrossFit Lingo Mobility Dynamic Warm up Bergener Warm Up New Skill: Squat Dead Lift Push Ups W.O.D.: 21-15-12-9 Air Squats Push Ups 100m Run
Tuesday 2.10.15 Crossfit Kids
Warm-up 1 min at each jump rope squats burpees unloaded PVC push press Gymnastics 4 minute AMRAP PARTNER UP!! 5 jumping pull ups 5 push ups 5 sit ups 10 lunges Weightlifting Sumo deadlift high pull Metcon 8 min AMRAP 20 mountain climbers 10 kettle bell sumo deadlifts 10 goblet squats Cool Down Leg stretching […]
Tuesday 2.10.15 Barbell Club
@CFML A: Snatch Pull + Snatch (10×1) 10 sets 25 min cap B: Front Squat (5x3x80) 3-5 warmup sets, then 4x4x80 25 min C: Clean Complex (4 sets)
Monday 2.9.15 On-Ramp @CFML
@CFML On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? CrossFit Lingo Mobility Dynamic Warm up Bergener Warm Up New Skill: Squat Dead Lift Push Ups W.O.D.: 21-15-12-9 Air Squats Push Ups 100m Run
Monday 2.9.15 Barbell Club
@CFR5 A: Hang Clean and Jerk (8×1) Hang Clean + Jerk 25 min MAX B: Clean Pull (5×2) EMOM – short rest! Start at heaviest weight for 2 position clean + jerk. Increase weight each set. No more than 120% of best clean. C: Snatch Balance + OHS (8×1+2) 1 Snatch Balance + 2 OHS 20 min MAX
Monday 2.9.2015 Crossfit Kids
Warm-up Dynamic Warm up Gymnastics WOD squats-push ups- sit ups Weightlifting Back Squat- Find your 1 RM in 10 or less lifts Introduce kettlebells Gymnastics Review the rope climb Review Wall walks- introduce handstand push up Metcon 15-12-7-5 Kettle bell deadlifts wall walks/handstand push ups Cool Down yoga stretch
Saturday 2.7.15 Crossfit Kids
Game Pizza Delivery Cross the River Weightlifting Deadlifts Deadlift Zombie Walk Game Jump rope races Metcon “DiDi Monster” 12-7-5 deadlifts push ups/wall walks Game Mr. Muscles Obstacle course! Start- 5 front squats run to end of gym 5 deadlifts plank walk to rope climb jump on 3 boxes