Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 4.26.18 & Friday 4.27.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up huddle up! Conditioning Minute to Win It! Pick a partner-They go, you go 1 minute- mountain climbers 1 minute- lunges 1 minute- burpees

  • Wednesday 4.25.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Conditioning AMRAP 20 12 Cal Assault Bike 14 Sit-Ups 16 Alt DB Snatch (L+R=2) 18 Jump Lunges (L+R=2) – Then – AMRAP 15 50 Mountain Climbers (L+R=2) 10 Ring Rows 50 Russian Twists (L+R=2) 10 Plank Up-Downs (L+R=2) Intent: AMRAP #1 will cause your HR […]

  • Tuesday 4.24.18 & Wednesday 4.25.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up 3 rounds 30 jump ropes 10 squats with a pvc in front rack Skill FRONT SQUAT REVIEW AND PRACTICE Lift FRONT SQUAT 2X2-LIGHT 6X4 HEAVY Metcon 9 emom Minute 1- 6 power cleans Minute 2- 6 front squat Minute 3- 100 meter run

  • Tuesday 4.24.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 3 rounds 30 jump ropes/ jumping on a 25 lb plate with 2 feet on and 2 feet off 10 squats with a pvc in front rack Skill Front squat Lift Front squat ladder Metcon 9 emom Minute 1- 6 power cleans with dumbbells Minute 2- 6 front squat with dumbbells Minute 3- 100 […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 4.23.18 – 4.29.18

  • Monday 4.23.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Conditioning 15 Rounds 200m Run 10 Wall Balls 200m Row 5 Burpees Over The Rower *45min time cap* Intent: 15 rds of anything is a mental grind. Keep the mindset the stay unbroken on the wall balls and consistent pacing on the burpees and run […]

  • Sunday 4.22.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Conditioning AMRAP 15 30 DB Renegade Rows (L+R=2)) 15 DB Sit-ups 30 Lateral Jumps Over DB (L+R=2)) – Then – in 20min complete 4 Rounds 20 Plate G2OH 20 Plate OH Lunges (L+R=2) 20 Burpees To Plate Intent: The second workout will be more challenging […]

  • Saturday 4.21.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: CrossFit at Athleta 4.21                  Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Conditioning AMRAP 35: 15 cal row 200ft Double KB Front Rack Carry 15 Ball Slams 200ft Bear Crawl 15 med ball cleans 200m Run w/ MedBall Intent: Pure conditioning day + odd movements will increase your heart rate quickly. Choose challenging […]

  • Thursday 4.19.18 & Monday 4.23.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up COACH CHOICE- CONSIDER A FUN GAME Skill TOES TO BAR Conditioning Shuttle runs 4×400 Metcon 21-15-9 Deadlifts – moderate weight Knee ups

  • Thursday 4.19.18 & Friday 4.20.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: CrossFit at Athleta 4.21                  Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30 Conditioning AMRAP 15 200m Run 15 DB Deadlifts 15 DB Push Press 15 DB bent over row – Then – AMRAP 15 200m Row 15 Air Squats 15 Push-ups 15 lunges Intent: Use the run and row as active recovery, 70% […]