Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 4.5.18 & Friday 4.6.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 5 rounds- 100 m or burpees!! Skill Pull up practice Metcon 4 rounds 100 meter row 50 foot lunge walk 50 foot bear crawl 10 kips

  • Tuesday 4.3.18 & Wednesday 4.4.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Tabata- 8 minutes- inch worms, high knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks, lunges, squats, burpees, plank holds Skill Introduce/review the clean 4-7 minutes Lift Lift 10-12 minutes Clean practice 2X2 10X1 Metcon 10 AMRAP- 2 squat cleans 2 front squat 200 meter run

  • Tuesday 4.3.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up BUILD A TABATA Have each athlete pick their favorite body weight, no equipment movement. Have them introduce themselves, coach may prompt with movement and give their age- age=number of reps Once you went through each athlete, do the workout! Skill Introduce/review the clean Lift Clean ladder Metcon 8 AMRAP 4 dumbbell cleans 8 dumbbell […]

  • Monday 4.2.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Bring a Friend Week 4.7 – 4.15 CF Kids Spring Season Starts! Warm-up Set Up all equipment needed 5min min AMRAP 10x10m Shuttle Run 2x10m Walking Lunges 1x10m Burpee Broad Jumps Metcon 3 Rounds 200m Row 15 Wall Balls 12 Sit-Ups 9 Burpees – Then – 3 Rounds 200m Run 15 BW Lunges […]

  • April 2018: Athletes Of The Month

  • Saturday 3.31.18 Bootcamp

    Conditioning 3 Sets 1:00 Forearm Plank 45s Hollow Hold 30s Side Plank (ea) Finisher AMRAP 30 30 KB Swings 30 KB Goblet Walking Lunges (15ea) 90 Double Unders (1:1 Single) 30 Push-Ups 30 Calorie Row 30 DB Seated STOH

  • April 2018 Programming Breakdown

  • Thursday 3.29.18 & Friday 3.30.18 Bootcamp

    Conditioning For Total Time 27-21-15-9: Calorie Row Calorie Assault Bike – Directly Into – 9-15-21-27: KB SDLHP Box Jump Overs – Directly Into – 27-21-15-9: DB Thrusters Burpees (35:00 CAP) Intent: Every so often you just need a workout to suffer through, and here’s one of those. A mix of different reps schemes and 3 different […]

  • Wednesday 3.28.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up Movement Review Athletes prepare equipment and complete 5-10 reps/cals” Conditioning 3 Rounds 50 Goblet Walking Lunges (25 ea) 40 KB Swings 30 Calorie Row 20 Burpees Over Rower 10 Calorie Assault Bike (40:00 CAP) Intent: This workout will be a true grind. Each movement will attack the heart rate, make sure the athlete establishes a […]

  • Monday 3.26.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up 3 Sets: 20 Hollow Rocks 15 Tuck-Ups 10 Supermans Conditioning 5 Rounds 48 Mountain Climbers (2 ct) 24 Sit-Ups 12 Ring or Box Dips 24 Alt DB Snatch 48 Double Unders (1:1 singles) (30:00 CAP) Intent: Fun mix of a couplet and a single modality workout. The overall challenge will be to keep the efforts […]