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  • Protected: March 2018 CrossFit Programming

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  • Thursday 3.1.18 & Monday 3.5.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up coach choice- consider running/game with sprints Lift Review: clean 6 EMOM- 1 clean, add weight each round Then, Review: front squat and push jerk Every 90 secondsfor 6 rounds 1 squat clean, 2 front squat, 1 push jerk Metcon  8 EMOM 2 squat cleans 2 push jerks

  • Thursday 3.1.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up 100 KB Swings for time Women 25# Men 35# **Every time you break complete 20 single unders **7min time cap **Scale to Russian Swings instead of weight, if form permits Conditioning For Time: 100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls Sit Ups Mtn. Climbers (L+R=2) (30:00 CAP) *Singles 1:1 Finisher If Time alots: Coach Led […]

  • Thursday 3.1.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Coach choice! Skill Pull ups Conditioning Me vs. you 1 min row for meters :30 transition Metcon Off to the Races 1- 150 m row 2- 1 min for meters 3- 1 min for calories 4- 200 m row 5- team challenge- 1000 m split

  • March 2018 Programming Breakdown

  • Wednesday 2.28.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up 5 Rounds 6cal Bike or Row 60s Scissor Kicks 60s Hang From Pull Up Bar Conditioning 8min AMRAP 10 KB Goblet Step Ups (High Box) 10 T2B or Knee Raises 10 KB Goblet Cossack Squats (L+R=2) – 1min Rest – 8min AMRAP 10 DB Renegade Rows (L+R=2) 10 Ring or Box Dips 10 KB […]

  • Tuesday 2.27.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up “I am building a wod…” – 8 to 10 minutes- Athlete 1- picks an exercise, everyone does 1 rep Athlete 2- picks an exercise, everyone does 2 reps, then athlete 1s Athlete 3- picks an exercise, everyone does 3 reps, then athlete 2s, then athlete 1s Keep going until everyone has picked an exercise! […]

  • Tuesday 2.27.18 & Wednesday 2.28.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up coach choice Conditioning 1 mile run/ 1 mile row Metcon Ladder Up! 15 AMRAP 1 burpee 1 kb swing 1 goblet squat 1 box jump 2 burpee 2 kb swing 2 goblet squat 2 box jumps..add 1 rep per round…

  • [CrossFit Open] To repeat or NOT to repeat

    TO REPEAT OR NOT TO REPEAT? The blessing and curse of CrossFit is that it’s competitive. A lot of former athletes gravitate towards CrossFit as a method of staying competitive after their athletic careers are over. This is one of the major reasons I fell in love with CrossFit. There are so many ways to […]

  • Monday 2.26.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up 5 Rounds 100m Row 60s Plan Hold 60s Frankensteins or Scales Conditioning 200m Run or 300m Row or 1min DUBs or 1min Burpees 1min MAX KB Goblet Squats 1min MAX KB Swings 400m Run or 300m Row or 1min DUBs or 1min Burpees 1min MAX Box Jumps 1min MAX Ring Dips 400m Run or […]